What is Task-Oriented Leadership? Skills and Strategies of Task Oriented Leaders

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Task-Oriented Leadership is a style where the leader puts the onus on completing the tasks on time and to the required standard. Task-Oriented Leadership is goal-focused and is not concerned with the individuals or the team performing the work. Strategies of Task-Oriented Leadership 1. Communicating clear targets Includes simple instructions, delegation, and outlining tasks so that everyone can understand and follow the steps easily. 2. Creating processes Creating straightforward and simple processes will help team members maintaining focus and increasing productivity. 3. Clear deadlines Define both soft and hard deadlines distinctly and set reminders at regular intervals to achieve desired results. 4. Offer advice to team members Offer advice, provide feedback and answer employee’s queries so that the team does not run into unwanted issues. 5. Put forth a reward system A Reward system is an incentive for the team to go the extra mile. It encourages the employees to give more than their best and stay on task no matter what. Task-Oriented Leadership Skills 1. Building strategies and managing team strength. 2. Prioritize tasks based on urgency, the effort required and set deadlines. 3. Time management through interactive shared calendars, to-do lists and regular progress reports. 4. Employ a process that is easy for others to follow. 5. Make routines and help people to stick to them to increase productivity. 6. Delegate tasks based on the strength and weakness of the employees. 7. Clear communication so that the employees understand their roles and responsibilities. Weakness of Task-Oriented Leadership - Ignores the well-being of the employees. - Overlooks the personal needs and wants of the employees. - Suppresses creative, spontaneous and innovative work. - Zero freedom. Examples 1. Tim Cook 2. Sheryl Sandberg 3. Bill Gates This video is on Task-Oriented Leadership and it has the following sub-topics. Time Stamps 0:00 Introduction 00:21 What is Task-Oriented Leadership? 00:48 Strategies of Task-Oriented Leaders 01:49 Task-Oriented Leadership Skills 02:25 Weaknesses of Task-Oriented Leadership 03:04 Famous Examples of Task-Oriented Leaders 
