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Soft Skill 3 – Good Communication | The Surya experience

Related Topic
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November 11, 2013

Soft Skill 3 – Good Communication

Hello People there! Today Owl Mr. Wisey will teach you the importance of Good Communication skills in your life as well as at the workplace. What roles good communication skills plays to help you get the dream job and maintain the way you give great results for the sustainable development of your company.


If you are searching to build trust and good collaborative working relationships, it is essential to have good communication skills in the workplace. Communication embraces many different components in the workplace. Communication is the method to share information with colleagues, is part of team building, customer service, conflict management and every interaction that takes place that involves some form of communication. The goal of all communication is to develop a common understanding in what was said and the message that comes across is the same to all parties involved.

Top 5 Benefits of Good Communication Skills:

1. Helps with Diversity: Effective workplace communication is important in companies with workplace diversity. Good communication skills help to reduce the barriers erected because of language and cultural differences. Companies that provide communication training to domestic and international employees reap the benefits of effective workplace communication.

2. Global Business: With global business transactions continually increasing, the need for effective communication to meet global demands is also increasing. Managers and employees must know how to effectively communicate with the company’s international counterparts. This will result in the fast rise of the business and the overall employee development.

3. Team Building: Effective communication in the workplace helps employees and managers form highly efficient teams. Employees are able to trust each other and management. Effective communication reduces unnecessary competition within departments and helps employees work together harmoniously.A manager who openly communicates with his subordinates can foster positive relationships that benefit the company as a whole.

4. Employee Morale: An improvement in employee morale can result from effective communication. Although pay is a concern for many workers, it is not their only concern. Employees appreciate good communication coming from management. It produces a healthy work environment.

5. Results: Good Communication is the power to rise, to bring great results, to tell the world your existence. With the global business mindset you can always fetch the great results and compete with your rival companies. But, you need to have a strong communication skills. Day by day the improvement in the communication with your customers results in the overall rise of the company.

Sources: http://www.careerpath360.com

We hope you are learning a lot with these small and important online lessons. Mr. Wisey is going to teach you one of the most important skill in the next lesson, which is TIME MANAGEMENT SKILL. This will also help you a lot during the approaching examinations!

Keep in touch Guys!


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