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Staffing Process: 8 Important Steps in Staffing Process

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Process of Staffing: 8 Important Steps In Staffing


Process of Staffing

Staffing is the process of placing the right person in the right job in accordance with the requirement of the organization. Staffing appoints, develops, and maintains the employees in the organization in order to achieve desired goals. It is one of the important functions of management. It provides competent and result-oriented employees to the manager. For effective staffing, a manager has to consider 8 important steps in the staffing process.

Let’s understand the every step of staffing process (components of staffing) clearly,

Step 1: Manpower Planning (HR Planning)

Human resource planning is the first step in the staffing process. Manpower planning is the process of forecasting manpower needs and developing necessary policies and programs to fulfill the needs. It ensures that the management has the right number and the right people at the right place and at the right time to perform activities.


Manpower planning involves identifying the present manpower inventory, determining manpower needs, identifying manpower gaps, and preparing a plan to fill the gap. It provides an overall framework for the staffing process.

Step 2: Recruitment

Once the manpower requirement is estimated, another process of staffing is recruitment. Recruitment is the process of developing a pool of potential employees. It involves searching for potential employees and stimulating them to apply for the jobs. Its aim to develop and maintain adequate human resources upon which an organization can depend.

Recruitment can be done through two sources first is internal sources and the second is external sources. In internal sources, it is done through the transfer and promotion of existing employees. In external sources recruitment involves advertisement, manpower suppliers, educational institutions, employment exchange, employee referrals, unsolicited applicants, professional associations, etc.

Step 3: Selection

Under the selection process, the best candidate is selected from the pool of applicants. It selects the person who posses the ability and qualification to fill the vacant posts.

The main purpose of the selection process is to choose the right candidates to fill various positions in the organization. The selection process involves a preliminary interview, blank application, selection test, employment review, checking the reference, physical examination, and final approval.

Step 4: Placement

Placement is the process of assigning jobs to the selected candidate or putting him/her in the job for which he is selected. It involves the assignment of the right jobs to the right candidates.

At the initial stage, placement is made for a probation period of six months to one year. After this, the employee’s employment may be made permanent if he is found to be satisfied within the probation period. The placement of the right candidates to the right jobs motivates them and increases the productivity of the enterprise.

Step 5: Orientation

In this step of the staffing process, the new employees are introduced to the organization and the organization’s rules and regulations. It is done to socialize newly appointed employees with their respective organizations.


When a new employee joins the organization, it is better to give him a better friendly welcome, introduce him to the organization and help him to get a general idea about the rules, regulations, and working conditions of the organization. It makes new employees feel comfortable and develop working efficiency.

Step 6: Training and Development

Training and development are done to increase the employee’s skills, abilities, and knowledge in the organization. Training and development are necessary to maintain the quality of work on the basis of changing technology and other environments.

Training is essential for the newcomer’s employees as they are not fully prepared to do such work effectively. And there must be an executive development program in order to enable them to be more effective in performing the various.

Step 7: Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is the assessment of an individual’s performance in a systematic way in terms of the requirements of the job. It is a systematic way of evaluating a worker’s performance and his potential for development.


Performance appraisal has become a very significant activity in most organizations since it provides information about the past, present, and expected performance of employees. It is helpful in decision making, training, and development, transfer, promotion, increment in financial incentives, etc.

Step 8: Transfer, Promotion, and Demotion

This is the last step in the staffing process, an employee must get fair remuneration on the basis of his performed job. A transfer involves the shifting of an employee from one job to another job of the same level which may change his duties and responsibilities. It is done on the basis of the situation and requirements of the office. It does not affect the basic salary scale but may affect other financial incentives.

Promotion is the advancement of an employee to a higher position involving greater responsibilities, higher pay, and higher status. It is a reward to the employees for their better performance.

Demotion is the downgrading of an employee from the higher level to the lower level. It is a form of punishment that may occur in exceptional situations
