What Is Google Search Console? (Complete Guide) | Marketing91

Hitesh Bhasin
marketing 91
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What Is Google Search Console? (Complete Guide)


Since competition is so much intensity in the current search engine marketpeople are looking around for different options each passing day to get best results.

While exploring such various options, you can come across the name Google Search Console that has been introduced by Google. It was first under the name of Google Webmasters Tool, but later in the year 2015, it was renamed to Google Search Console. 

It can help you track your site’s performance like a pro, so you can be found on Google with ease.

Google has come up with this free to use web service that is meant mainly for the webmasters.


The web service is excellent because it helps the users to do several activities to check their performance in the search engine.

Table of Contents

Importance of Google Search Console

The users have taken Google Search Console as one of the most efficient ways to check the site’s performance, fix issues, and so many other things.

The amazing features that it has made it possible for the webmasters to check their performances.

  • It helps in analyzing the clicks, position, and impressions, of the site in the Google search,
  • You can submit options such as individual URLs or sitemaps for crawling,
  • Reviewing of the index coverage is possible to check the freshest views on the website,
  • Getting alerts on issues and fixing them,
  • Getting information about the pages as per the Google search.

After knowing the basic features, it will be great to understand it in details.

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Notable Features of Google Search Console


#1  Performance Dashboard

If you are concerned about the performance of your website in the search engine, this can work as a dashboard that can show you the details.  What are the things that you can track from here?

There are so many of them to name, such as clickthrough tracking, visibility, mobile usability, and so many others.

It can be said that the GSC or the Google Search Console is the central system that can help you in understanding the activities that are happening.

It can help you in checking where your site is appearing in the search engine.

Hence, when you are having a website, having your GSC account created can be a great way to track the performance of your site.

#2 Control Center

SEO is the most important thing that you must have come across to optimize your website well in the search engine.

If you have a website, you must be in that regular work of updating your website contents from time to time and also getting the site SEO friendly. In this case, again, Google Search Console can be of great help to you.

The main motto of any webmaster is to get an option through which the contents can be improved regularly, and errors can be minimized.

The GSC works exactly in the same way. It helps track down the errors so that it can be corrected and the quality of the contents can be improved upon.

Google Search Console comes up with several tools that is quite helpful in the day-to-day management of the performance of your website.

Some of the important activities that you can do with the help of these tools from GSC are submitting XML sitemaps and analyzing them, asking Google for the revaluation of the errors, and many others.

There are also tools that can help you in knowing how your page will seem in Google search. This can again help you n making changes if needed so that it can bring in more views on your site.

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#3 Communication Channel


Though GSC is taken up at a tracking system, it is also something that can be taken up as a communication channel. How can it be a communication channel?

Well, it can be taken up as a channel that helps Google communicate with the site owners. All you need to do is to get an account created in the Google Search Console, and you will be able to get information from Google regarding the website that you have online.

Google often sends you various information details about your site, such as site errors and issues, at times, also suggestions of how to correct them. There are also at times when it will send you details about a penalty that may have levied on your site due to some violation of rules.

It is not that Google will provide you with various issues, and the work ends there. GSC also comes up with various free tools that can be used to get in touch to know more about the errors and also to get a proper solution for it.

#4 Data Source

Google Search Console can again turn into a data source for many. The data can be extracted from the GSC and can be imported in other options such as Google Analytics. Here, you can get a second thought on the errors that are mentioned by the GSC.

Also, when you are importing the data in some other channel, it may happen that you may even get the solution of the errors that have been detected.

Hence, this can be helpful for you to get an error-free content each time so that you can have a great performance and your site can optimize well in the search engine.

Competition is quite high today and hence, just having a website is not enough for your business or company. It is important to have created the website in the right way so that it does not get beaten up by other competitors in the market.

If you have a website, one of the finest things today can be to get an option of Google Search Console.

#5  Content Optimization via Search Analytics


You can use Google Search Console to find out the queries that are bringing users to your site.

This way, you will be able to run conversion oriented campaigns, as you will be aware of the exact requirements of your users and accordingly you can tweak your campaign.

For this, GSC will provide you data related to clicks, site’s impressions, and position on Google Search, so you can be highly result driven in your campaigns.

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#6 Enable you to put your Content on Google

With the help of Google Search Console, you will be able to submit sitemaps and particular URs for crawling.

GSC will also review the index coverage of your site, which will help Google in seeing the freshest view of your web-pages or site.

You will also get to know how Google search goes through your pages. Its URL inspection tool will give out the comprehensive index, crawl, and serving details related to your pages.

#7 Alerts about Site Issues and their Fixation


You will be getting email alerts at the times when Google finds out any issues in your site.

With the help of Google Search Console, you can also identify which URL is facing any particular issues and can fix them.

After fixing those issues, GSC will also update Google about fixations of those.

In addition to all these, you can also optimize your site for AMP, Mobile Usability, and rich results.

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Getting an account in the Google Search Console is quite convenient because you will be able to start an account in just a few steps and that also for free.

After you have created the account, take a tour of the service, and you will be able to come across the various features and also different tools that can be helpful for you in the analyzing of the performance.
