What is Email Marketing? [Introduction, Basics]

Sorav Jain
Related Topic
:- Email marketing

Wish to learn more about Email Marketing? Well, in this video lesson I teach you What is Email Marketing, What is Permission Based Marketing? What are Different Types of Email Marketing tactics you usually come across. Important tools for email marketing. List of tools I would recommend for Email Marketing: 1. Mailchimp: www.mailchimp.com 2. Aweber: www.soravjain.com/go/aweber 3. Drip: www.soravjain.com/go/drip 4. Sendgrid: For more such video lessons on Digital Marketing subscribe for my Free Digital Marketing Course here: http://www.soravjain.com/digital-marketing-course-for-free You can join a Free Digital Marketing a Forum with 10K+ active members: https://www.facebook.com/groups/socialmediachennai/?fref=ts Get a Free Sales Funnel worth 9999/- Subscribe to FREE webinar here:https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.coachstagram.com&sa=D&source=hangouts&ust=1603354505349000&usg=AFQjCNHykjgbCbFZP9Bwf0bZEIP9MmJzvg
