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What is an Email List? Benefits of Building an Email List

Hitesh Bhasin
marketing 91
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:- Email marketing

What is an Email List? Benefits of Building an Email List


Email Marketing is still one of the most powerful ways of lead generations and conversions. Having an email list on your blog is for sure going to be highly useful. There are never-ending advantages of Email List that will help you find the list of all those audiences who are ready to be your loyal customers.

However, with the prevalence of different marketing and advertising platforms, there are people who have some doubts. That is why in this post, we will be understanding if email list is going to help your business grow or you will just end up wasting a lot of your time.

Before diving deep into the world of Email List and their significance, let us straight away delve in profoundly and understand how beneficial email list can be for your business :

Table of Contents

Email List : Definition & Advantages

It is basically a list that contains the credentials like name and email addresses of those individuals who permitted you to send them promotional updates and other information regarding your business via emails. Since the Email list contains data and information of those people who joined it on their own by giving all the details, this means that those individuals are interested in your offering and want to get updates about your products and services.

Even if stats are to be believed, Direct Marketing Association confirms that in the USA, different businesses that incorporated Email List on their Blog have witnessed a 4300 percent ROI. When compared to social media campaigns and their role in our business, the email list is getting 10 times higher conversions.

Following are the five major reasons for using the email list for your blog:

  • Email lets you enter into the user’s inbox directly. There is no intermediate system that can limit your reach and you can directly send your special offers, deal or introductory messages to your subscribers and convert them. You can directly reach to your audience in a personal and casual manner.
  • In order to receive promotional emails, a user has to Sign Up on your website for an email list and then he or she should verify their email address. If someone is doing this much work then obviously he/she is interested in your offerings and want to get regular updates as well as they will show interest towards your messages.
  • We have mentioned above that the user is interested in your products and your offerings. As now, you know their interest so you can better send them relevant contents in order to get a better outcome. Email list helps business owners run a well-targeted email marketing campaigns that score quite high when it comes to generating leads and ensuring conversions.
  • Though the most popular Search Engines and Social Media Portals such as GoogleYahooFacebook, and Twitter are going to help you optimize online presence you don’t own them and you campaign for promotions can get unfruitful if they made any changes to their policies. But your email list is only yours and no one else can leave any impact on it.
  • Your audiences read their messages in privacy and that is why trying to develop a one-on-one conversation there is quite convenient with emails. Users can clear their queries in private without hesitations that will be very effective in having a connection that is for sure going to sustain.

So, these were some of the notable reasons because of which almost all the successful businesses have their email list. A number of bigger brands on a daily basis spend a huge amount on social media campaigns so that they can influence the people to register for their email list. These business owners know the essence of email marketing as it is a long-term investment that is going to fetch heavy returns.

You must have met some of the social media experts who try to downplay the essence of an email list just to sell their services. But let me be very clear that Email Marketing is still the leader in generating most productive relationships.

Even, the existence of Social Media Campaigns is also based on Email Marketing.

– In order to assist this claim, just check what Facebook, Twitter or Instagram are asking for creating an account, it is for sure your email address.


Top performing blogs ask for an email address, as these big brands understand that email is an efficient way to establish a direct contact with users. You can also notice that all the social media platforms are building their own email list, as they understand the essence of it.

In addition to all this, some of the more promising advantages of Email List for your blog are-

Benefits of Email List for your Blog

1) For Lesser Investments be ready to enjoy Better Returns

This medium of marketing has shown a huge return on investment (ROI).

According to a number of market analyst, Email Marketing has been very effective than direct mail and other marketing services to widen the reach of your business. The most notable part here is that email marketing widens your reach in a conversion driven manner.

Nowadays the expense of email marketing is growing day by day. For lesser investments compared to other means of marketing, Email Marketing will be helping you generate better leads that are ready to convert if you continue offering them value.

2) Want to communicate with audiences straight away? – Email List will do this for you

With the use of an email list, you can easily establish a direct and instant connection with your audience.

With the help of Emails, you get an immediate means of connecting and communicating with potential and existing customers.

Whereas other means of marketing and advertising could even take a number of days to reach your customer, via Email List, you can directly reach to their mailbox and get a favorable response right away.

3) Email List ends your quest to find the best ways to ‘Convert leads into Customers’

With the right integration of emails with your blog, you can best convert your prospects.

A number of people might not be interested in the purchase when they land on your site for the very first time, but with the help of email list, you can keep reminding them about your products and services. This way, they will definitely pay attention to your products.

Emails also help you channelize personalized campaigns to your prospects that ultimately develop a favorable connection between you and your target audience, which will boost your conversion rates as well.

4)  With Email List, you’ve got the knack to better understand your Prospects

With the help of an email list, you can stay in touch with your customers and get to know a lot about them.

Emails guide you about the inclinations, likes, and dislikes of your audiences in the most comprehensive manner possible.

You can understand what attracts them, what their inclinations are, and so forth. By understanding their feedback, you can increase your marketing efficiency by running a tailor-fit email marketing campaign.

5) Email List is the best weapon in your Marketing Arsenal to make your Announcements & Deals

Using an email list, you can spread your words about your products, their releases, new events, and other promotions. You can also ask your supporters to help you in this by forwarding messages.

You will always have a target base that is ready to know more about your products and services. Just send your subscribers about a new deal or bonanza offer, and see how easily you can jump up your sales.

Now, as you have understood why you need an Email List for your blog, the next thing that you need to understand is different requirements for building an email list.

What do you need to build an Email List?

The building of an email list is quite simple for all you bloggers.

It simply revolves around 3 components- A Blog or Website, Email Marketing Service and Opt-in Forms.

And I hope you must be having a blog or website (since you have come this far while reading this post), so let us discuss the other two parts- Email Marketing Service & Opt-In Forms-

1) Role of Email Marketing Service in Building an Email List


Email Marketing Services will enable your blog to have the blog subscription feature via Email, so your readers can fill their key details in Opt-In forms to subscribe to your blog. This will empower you to send mass emails to your subscribers. You can also accumulate your subscribers based on their actions.

Constant Connect is one of the best email marketing services for small business. Another popular Email Marketing Service for you is AWeber.

2) Role of Opt-In Forms in Building an Email List


So, once you are registered on your favorite Email Marketing Service, including Opt-In Forms on your blog is the next thing that you need to do. Opt-In forms allow your users to subscribe to your blog.

You should always utilize high converting Opt-In forms. Different options for you while creating opt-in form are Footer Bars, Lightbox Popups, Full Screen Welcome Mat, Floating Header and so on.

