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Top 10 Work Ethic Attributes - Insight Assessment

Kathy Winterhalter
Insight Assessment
Related Topic
:- Reliability Productivity

The Work Ethic Traits Most Valued by Leaders

The modern definition of what constitutes good work ethics often varies.  Different businesses have different expectations.

In Healthcare, for example, following the rules is paramount.  To deviate may lead to injury or death.  In Advertising, there is a greater emphasis on creativity.  Breaking the rules can result in innovative campaigns that boost the client’s bottom line.  The beliefs and behaviors that define work ethic must closely align with your customer needs.   The customer, in this instance, is always right.

There are common work ethic traits, however, which characterize an effective executive, manager or worker, regardless of industry sector.  Basically, how someone acts ethically, in life, translates directly into the workplace.  Employees with outstanding work ethics display the following.

Top 10 Work Ethics

1.  Desire to think

Not only has the ability to think critically, but to apply it.  Sees the value of thinking things through before making decisions and when resolving problems.

2.  Commitment

Is loyally oriented to the job, company goals and mission.

3.  Honesty

Respects other people’s property, follows rules, keeps promises, and tells the truth.

4.  Regard for safety

Values workplace safety rules and precautions for personal and co-worker safety. Avoids unnecessary risks.

5.  Professionalism

Takes an appropriate approach to social interactions at work. Maintains focus on work responsibilities.

6.  Motivated

Eagerly focuses energy on accomplishing tasks, also referred to as demonstrating ownership. Takes pride in work.

7.  Tolerance

Respects diversity in the workplace, including showing due respect for different perspectives, opinions and suggestions.

8.  Flexibility

Is resilient. Able to welcome and adapt to changing workplace situations and the application of new or different skills.

9.  Desire to learn

Willing to learn new processes, systems and procedures in light of changing responsibilities.

10.  Dependability

Motivated to complete assigned tasks well, taking pride in the accomplishment of work assignments.


Are strong work ethics important?

Every business needs people who get things done without intense supervision. Your business success is powered by staff who efficiently interact with clients. They are able to represent your policies, procedures and fuel your corporate growth. INSIGHT Business Staff  will help you discover the people who have the work ethics and problem solving skills needed for customer satisfaction and project success.

Yes? Then, assess the work ethic traits of your employees.

INSIGHT Business Staff objectively assesses and reports an individual’s strengths and weaknesses on these 10 mindset attributes plus 5 core thinking skills. Everyday, relevant, scenarios in the assessment will challenge a staff member to anticipate the needs of customers.  They will demonstrate their abilities through interpreting and understanding analytical information that contributes to team problem solving.

Comprehensive reports provide valuable insights for making individual hiring and promotion decisions. Further, these reports identify areas for improvement, training and, overall, building strong, productive teams.  Assessments, geared for middle level mangers and your executive leadership, are also available.

Work ethics are essential. Make sure you can rely on your people to get things done well.  Contact us today. trai
