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Keep Your Mobile B2B Marketing on Track in Time for iPhone 5

Maria Pergolino
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:- Mobile App Knowledge Marketing

Keep Your Mobile B2B Marketing on Track in Time for iPhone 5

Mobile Marketing


When it comes to tech talk, the word on everyone’s lips is “iPhone.” For months now, discussion has centered on the iPhone 5. This included speculation on features, design, and more. When Steve Jobs stepped down from his position as CEO of the company, even more questions arose. What will happen to the iPhone? How will Jobs’ predecessor Tim Cook handle the future of the mobile marketing product?

Recently, however, Apple did introduce the iPhone 4S. While it is not quite the iPhone 5 people have been expecting, there are still many new features and innovations that can benefit any marketer looking to supplement their mobile marketing plan and stay on top of current tech trends.

So with the iPhone 4S on the market since October 14th, and with the iPhone 5 still somewhere in the future,  it’s important to make sure you have a developed mobile B2B marketing plan. Here are a few things to keep in mind when implementing or updating your very own mobile plan.

1. Accessibility – While the new iPhone is going to be making waves in the market, there is still a lot of room for its Android counterpart. The combat for the bigger piece of the smart phone market has been raging between the iOS and the Android OS for years now – both of them are important for someone looking to have their content accessed from any mobile device. Make sure that the content you want to share is accessible from all types of operating systems to widen your scope and deepen your connections.

2. Simplicity – Accessing content from a mobile device means that you have more than just other websites to contend with – there are other people on the subway train, billboards and posters everywhere on the walk to work, noises and stuff meant to grab attention everywhere for anyone on the go. Rise above this by keeping your mobile pages simple and engaging. These means focusing on the content and not overwhelming presentation so your pages load faster and are shared more easily.

3. Shareability – Social networking is one of the most widely used features on mobile devices. From Facebook to LinkedIn to Twitter and more, people like to be able to connect and share anything at anytime from anywhere. Formatting your content so that it can be shared easily from any device, with accessible share buttons and intriguing headers and titles to attract attention once shared, is important for anyone who wants to improve their B2B marketing and wants others to see their web pages, blogs, and other cool content.

4. Adaptability – The rapidity with which new technologies are developed and introduced to the mainstream consumer is incredibly fast. Even if it feels like you can never keep up, you have to constantly work to stay on top of the newest trends. Keep your mobile content simple so that it is adaptable and can be reworked for new technologies without a lot of effort. For instance, how would your marketing plan respond to the iCloud, a new cloud computing feature included with the introduction of the iPhone 4S?

Being able to answer these questions means being able to stay ahead of your competition.

