‎Marketing Mantra: Ep. #72 - How Marketing Automation Can Save You Time and Make You Money (w/ Dan McGaw from McGaw.io) on Apple Podcasts

Sandeep Mallya
Related Topic
:- Marketing

Marketing automation has made marketers' lives a whole lot easier. Regardless of the size of your business, you can use automation tools to automate a plethora of marketing activities — from email marketing to social media management to internal tasks — to drive more leads and revenue for your business.


In this episode, I'm joined by Dan McGaw, founder and CEO of McGaw.io, an analytics and marketing technology consultancy, and UTM.io, a Google Analytics URL Builder. Coined as one of the original growth hackers, Dan previously served as Head of Marketing at Kissmetrics and VP of Growth at CodeSchool. Dan’s all about simple yet powerful marketing strategies. He believes that although MarTech concepts like automation, personalization, and multi-touch attribution can seem overwhelming and even intimidating, they are actually pretty accessible for businesses of all sizes.


Our conversation in this episode will revolve around marketing automation and how it can help you save time and make you money. If you've ever had questions about marketing automation or the kind of automation tools you should include in your marketing stack, this is the episode for you.
