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How to Make the Facebook Algorithm Work for Your Business - Mike Gingerich

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How to Make the Facebook Algorithm Work for Your Business



In the current digital age, social media platforms play a significant role in helping small businesses acquire and retain customers. However, as the most used social media platform, Facebook frequently tweaks its ranking algorithms. Like Google algorithms, such changes aim to prioritize specific content without favoring some businesses.

Both small and large businesses find it challenging to master the algorithm maze to connect with their target market. If your business has the same challenges, implement the following tips to take advantage of the Facebook algorithm.

1. Share Great Content

Content is king for all forms of digital marketing. For instance, if you want more people to visit your website, populate your Facebook page with valuable content. Include informative posts, interactive guides, and videos with links to your website. Similarly, to increase online purchases, create and share Facebook posts that highlight key product features.

To create good content, it is important that you understand your target audience. Researching your prospects makes it easier to create content that resonates and induces a positive response. You should also avoid sharing material that can irk or discourage Facebook users from checking out your business.

Posting frequency, timing, and hashtags are key determinants on the effectiveness of your content. Some people recommend limiting Facebook posts to a few times daily or weekly. However, your posting schedule should be determined by your brand. Infrequent posting may garner more clicks. However, this depends on the number of followers and the nature of your content.

You should also be careful when using hashtags with your content. While they are underused on Facebook, hashtags can increase your searchability and direct you to relevant interactions. However, only use hashtags relevant to your industry; avoid overusing and misusing them. Also, feel free to generate your own hashtags if they suit your audience and business.

2. Generate Conversations

Based on the recent algorithm changes, Facebook promotes profiles with content that generates conversations and user interactions. This means these businesses will appear higher in users' feeds. Therefore, this can affect your ability to generate conversations and encourage engagement among your followers. That said, consider the following to generate user interactions on the platform;

  • Start a trending or unique conversation
  • Share content that sparks emotions or relates with your audience
  • Ask for feedback on your products, services, or ideas
  • Create a Facebook group that suits your business

Regardless of the medium, ensure that your Facebook uploads drive your audience towards natural engagement.

3. Avoid Fake News or Copied Content

Sharing incorrect content can instantly downgrade your Facebook presence and increase negative impressions in the Facebook algorithm. This includes links to copied content, offensive content, or manipulated videos. Just like Google, Facebook is a social platform that embraces honesty, originality, and creativity.

Therefore, when posting content on your page, ensure it is informative, professional, and business-related. Always abide by your social media marketing strategy when uploading content.

3. Focus on Video Content

Over time, the use of video content has gained immense traction. If you aren’t already using video content for your digital content marketing, you are missing out. For instance, 96% of Facebook users watch explainer videos about products and services. Additionally, 84% purchase products, and 74% download software or apps after watching a video.

Facebook ranking algorithms consider original and high-quality videos in users’ feeds. However, there are three important ranking factors when creating videos for Facebook. They include length/duration, originality, and intent. You should also embrace Facebook live video to engage users.

Bottom Line

The Facebook algorithm is getting better at curating what it believes each user wants to see. Therefore, learning how this algorithm works is important so you can produce content that reaches your target audience. With the tips above, you can take advantage of the Facebook algorithm to earn new followers, improve brand visibility, and boost brand awareness.
