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How to Boost Likes on Facebook? Tips on Boosting for Likes on Facebook

Hitesh Bhasin
marketing 91
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How to Boost Likes on Facebook? Tips on Boosting for Likes on Facebook


When it comes to learning Facebook Marketing, one of the very first topics that you need to master is learning the right technique to boost likes on your Facebook page,

So, are you also looking for the best ways to boost likes on your business page on Facebook?

Well, you will surely not be the only one in the business world who wants that. There are many businesses that try to increase their likes on the Facebook pages that they have.

But why on earth is boosting the likes on Facebook so important to people?

Why should one even try to boost likes on the platform?

Well, this is the guide that will answer these questions that you have about boosting likes on Facebook.

Table of Contents

Why do you need to boost likes on Facebook?

There is no doubt about the fact that Facebook is one of the most important platforms that people have these days. There are about 2 billion people using Facebook platform for many different reasons.

So, there is no doubt about the fact that the platform of Facebook is something that will help people promote their businesses in the best way possible.

So, the marketers can be pretty much sure that if they are successful in Facebook then they are successful everywhere else.

However, doing that isn’t really as simple as you might think. There are many things that will decide whether you will be successful in Facebook or not.

Well, to be honest, the likes on Facebook decide whether your brand is getting all the attention that you deserve. Likes on your Fb page will showcase your authority, your power, your reach, and how connected you are with your target audience base.

There are many marketers who always invest in methods that could help them increase their Facebook likes.

Best Ways to Boost Likes On Facebook


There are some of the ways by which you can boost the likes on Facebook and that too in the right way.

1) Know About the Best Timings That Will Boost Your Likes

There is no doubt that timing is something that is very important when it comes to Facebook likes. You need to make sure that you post things in the perfect time so that more and more people can see it at the right time.

Not every single person that is active on Facebook will be doing so all the time, right?

After all, they have got better things to do and they don’t really have the time to read the posts every single time. If you post during the time when people are not active, then you will not get many likes on the post, no matter how great it is.

Well, that is why finding the perfect time to post on the Facebook platform will be the best thing.

You need to use Facebook Insights and other Facebook Marketing and Scheduling tools to know when your audiences are there and active. Reports of these tools help marketers know when their audiences are ready to consume the content.

2) Photos/Images Are the Best Things Ever

When it comes to photos, they are simply very amazing and helpful.

Well, a picture will be able to depict the things that thousands of words wouldn’t be able to do.


You need to make sure that your posts have got a decent amount of pictures so that you can use them in order to create engaging posts that the people would absolutely love.

Even the research has shown that the posts that have images and some sort of media in them get the most likes from people.

This is because the posts that have images in them are appealing to look at.

So, there is no doubt about the fact that people would love to read the posts that have images in them. This is something that you need to keep in mind always when you are making posts on Facebook.

While posting Facebook photos, a few things you need to pay heed to are-

  • Never violate copyright
  • If possible you should make post graphics on yourself
  • Take and post photos with your phone and make sure your pics are not blurry
  • Avoid cluttering your images with text
  • Mix photos with memes, illustrations, Infographics, videos that can complement your Facebook photos

Using images that Ask Questions, or demanding users to Fill in the Blanks can also be an apt strategy to get more likes on Facebook.


3) Creating Facebook Groups Is a Help

One of the most important things that you need to keep in mind when it comes to getting Facebook likes is that you need to have many associations.

If people know about you then they will obviously like your posts for sure.

For that reason, you need to make sure that Facebook groups are in your strategy.


The Facebook groups allow you to make associations with people in a very easy way. However, it won’t be enough if you just create the groups. You need to make sure that your group is active and running and it has many members in it as well.

So, you need to have conversations with the people on the platform.

Having conversations would make sure that people are more active on the platform.

Also, you could have polls as well. Doesn’t that seem like something that you could do?

Well, why not try it out and see how it works.

4) Use Giveaways or Run Contests on the Facebook Pages

When you want to have more engagement on the Facebook pages of yours, you need to have some ways that will be more beneficial than the others.

Some of the options that you can choose are Giveaways or contests.

While offering Giveaways, you need to ensure that your prize is directly associated with your brand. You need to focus on the visual appeal of your Giveaway and using multiple prizes for multiple days can be quite useful for you as well. Have a look at the Giveaway example given below –


Yes, contests are the best ways to make sure that people are engaged on Facebook.

The people will visit the profile more and more to participate in the contests that you have.

They will be eager to know about the results. That way, your page will have more and more attention from people. So, there are many contests where people can participate and win. This will for sure help you boost likes on your Facebook page.

This way more you will be able to make sure that people are always paying attention to what you say. This is something that you always need to keep in mind.

Why not try it out and see how it works?

We are pretty sure that the results will be amazing.

Facebook now lets you add ‘Like’ popup on your contest tab. When you use this tactic, it will for sure be more inclined to like your page.


In the example above, you can see how adeptly Adventure Canada has utilized its Content to boost likes on the Facebook page.

There are different apps that can help you create Facebook contests. Some of the apps for Facebook contests are-

  • WishPond
  • Heyo Free Contest Builder
  • ShortStack
  • AgoraPulse
  • Easypromos

5) Make Sure That You Keep a Check on the Posting Frequency

The posting frequency that you have on Facebook is also the determining factor when it comes to boosting likes on Facebook.

Most people post frequently in order to make sure that they are able to boost likes.

For those who want to have more and more likes on the Facebook page, you need to check that always. If you are posting too much or just a little bit, then it can have different results for sure.

If you post too much then people might get bored of the posts that you make and not like them anymore.

But then, if you don’t post at all, then it will show that you are not committed enough to the page of yours. The trick here is to find the perfect balance between the posts that you make and the frequency of it.

This will decide what amount of likes you shall get. If you use this method to boost likes on Facebook, then you will see results immediately.

6) Start using Coupon like Popups on your Page & Site

Free vouchers and coupons are always one of the most enticing tricks that can convert more number of visitors to like your Facebook page.

Around 60% of social media users enjoy consuming free stuff. So, coupons or vouchers like 20% Off will convince people to like your Fb page.

You should use Facebook coupon app for creating a tab on the Facebook business page that will let your users download the coupon. Below you can see how a Facebook Fan Specific Coupon can be used to boost likes on Facebook


You can feature coupons on your site and ask site visitors to like your Facebook page as well. See below in the image how adeptly coupon is used on a site to boost likes on Facebook page –


7) Use Facebook Ads to boost likes

Running paid ads is again one of the very effective ways that will help you boost likes on Facebook.

Facebook offers you different targeting options that can precisely widen the reach of your Facebook page in front of the most relevant audiences.

You can run ads on Facebook with the fan objective.

The very first thing you need to do for this is choosing campaign objective. There, you need to choose ‘Engagement’ and after that ‘Facebook Likes’


Now, you need to target Facebook users who are in your target demographics.


Once you do this, you need to choose your audience size. You will also be required to set the daily budget and accordingly, Facebook will tell you the estimate of daily likes.


Now, you are ready to create and run your ad that will be displayed to your target audiences as sponsored content.


8) Ask Email Subscribers to like your Facebook Page

Targeting your emails subscribers to like your Facebook page is again a brilliant strategy that will boost likes on your Facebook page.

When you build your email list, you should recognize those subscribers who can be targeted with an Email campaign promoting your Facebook page.

Have a look on the below-given image that prompts email subscribers to like your Facebook page.


You can also add Social Media icons in your emails to guide your email users to land on your Facebook page


9) Add Facebook-Like CTA on your blog or website

If you have a blog that enjoys great traffic of relevant audiences then you can use that as well to boost likes on Facebook.

You can use Opt-In bar or Pop Up as a CTA to convert your blog readers into Facebook fans that will for sure increase likes on Facebook page.


In addition, you can also your blog readers to like your page by adding a CTA in the footer.


Asking them to like your Facebook page to get your next article will for sure be an effective way to make them land on your Facebook page.

10) Never Buy Likes

To get more likes in the limited possible time, there are some people who buy likes, which is for sure a strict no if you want to effectively use your Facebook page for your business.

When you buy likes, it is not essential that your page will be liked by the relevant audiences. Means people who are liking your page will not be interested in your business. That is why only paying attention to the aforestated right ways of boosting likes on Facebook will be useful for you.

When you buy likes, it decreases engagement, edgerank, and conversions. It will also alienate you from your real audiences that will decrease the sales potential of your business.
