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Common Facebook Conversion Mistakes Everyone Should Avoid

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Most Common Facebook Conversion Mistakes Every Business Owner Should Avoid



High converting Facebook conversion ads aren't something that you can produce overnight. However, you can achieve them with an expert Facebook ads agency. People are bombarded with online ads daily. Because of that, it’s important to be active when advertising your products and services across different platforms. All while creating value and staying relevant to your target audiences’ preferences.

How often do you click on an online ad? Whether it’s an email sign-up with a free PDF, an app install in exchange for a time-sensitive discount, or maybe a link to an event e-invite, you click. Whenever it looks unnecessary, or is totally irrelevant, or has appeared more than a few times, you’ll likely skip it… or even report if it looks like spam.

Today, we’ll be talking about ads, specifically Facebook conversion ad campaigns.

Brands and social media agencies find Facebook to be one of the most significant conversion marketing channels. There are over 6 million businesses using Facebook Ads to attract consumers and promote their products and services. This shows that this platform encompasses an all-diverse consumer base. That being said, it’s quite a tight race, especially for local businesses to get their brand noticed.

Targeting the wrong audience or broadening audience to non-fans

“But I want to figure out if other people will like my products or services.” However, targeting them all is not a wise move. Yes, Facebook’s targeting option is incredible but results only happen when you only have a good social media marketing strategy.

For startups and local businesses doing a Facebook conversion campaign, it’s ideal to narrow down to specific targeting based on their location, gender, and interests. Do not just target everyone at once.

What you can do instead: If you want to target existing customers, you can upload a customer list in Facebook Custom Audiences. And, if you want to target new customers based on your existing customers, you can use a Lookalike Audience. You can also take a look at people who have recently interacted on your Facebook page or posts when targeting a new type of audience.

Having too many ad sets within a campaign with insufficient ad spend

Too many ad sets within a campaign and too many ads within ad sets are considered a red flag. This is especially true if you have a smaller ad budget. Too many ad sets can compromise your ads’ performance. This will then lead to your ads not optimizing, and not delivering to as many relevant audiences as it should.

What you can do instead: Try creating only 2-3 ad sets with a certain type of audience per ad set. These should contain at least 3 ads, 5 at most. A/B or split testing is also strongly recommended in order to find out which specific ads work best for your target audience. You can also check out Facebook’s guidelines for Ad Delivery & Optimization. This will send you updates about the most recent method for optimizing ads to reach a maximum level without compromising over large ad spend.

Creative imbalance and poorly executed ad visual and/or copy

It’s easy to launch an ad, but how “enticing” does it look? Perhaps the visual looks too pixelated, or irrelevant to your ad. Only using plain images instead of exploring other types like videos and GIFs can also put you at a disadvantage. Perhaps it contains too much ad copy or might have “banned” words or phrases in it. Facebook is a visual platform and the first few seconds when seeing the ad matters the most. That’s why it’s important to get the right visuals and convey the right message.

What you can do instead: It’s easy to keep it creative and straightforward, but it all depends on who your ads will be talking to. Figure out what kind of ad they’ll most likely respond to by putting yourself in your customer’s perspective. Try experimenting with different types of visual content to see which works best for your specific audience.

Using Facebook’s “Boost Post” option instead of setting up a specific campaign

Did your organic

posts garner several engagements? Good for you - until you decide to press that Boost Post button. Yes, it may be more convenient to make an organic ad increase awareness or engagement within a specific budget and period of time, but this will actually cost you more in general.

What you can do instead: Boost post is specifically made to run organic posts that have been already published on your page. This most likely does not align with your ad objective which is Facebook conversions. Whereas if you curate posts to use for ads via Facebook Ads Manager, it will help you narrow down to where you want your ads to show up or to whom it will be shown.
