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Article: Make A Fresh Start Via Microsoft Office Templates

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Make A Fresh Start Via Microsoft Office Templates

Thu 22nd March 2012

The first point of contact that you may have with a potential new employer is your CV and Microsoft Office has several applications that can help you secure a new post, whether this is within your present company or a with a new firm.

Resumes are vital stepping stones when it comes to applying for vacancies or promotions. In fact, CVs are so important in today's work climate that there are a large number of experts who are specifically trained in the art of writing them.

Microsoft also knows the importance of resumes and within Word you can find a host of templates that make it easier for you to create the perfect document for your needs. Other programmes within the applications can also aid your new start and career.

Make a list

Getting a new job isn't just about securing an interview after your CV has been noticed. Before you get to this point there'll probably be lots of different things to organise, such as performing online job searches and research about the specific vacancies you are applying to.

This is where Word's checklist feature can come in handy. Basically, you can create specific lists full of jobs that need completing or you can simply choose the templates that form part of the programme. Doing so will assist you in completing tasks that may help you to get a new job/promotion, from taking interview clothes to dry cleaners to following up on applications with phone calls.

It's a date

To get a new job you generally have to show professionalism as well as the skills needed to perform the role well. In the beginning being professional is all about turning up on time and presenting yourself well. If you're applying for lots of different posts, each with its own tailored CV and closing/interview date, there's potential for getting times and dates mixed up.

The calendar feature in Word is an effective way of keeping track of vacancy closing dates and other important days in the week. You're also able to apply formatting to calendars and choose between personal and business ones. One of the primary ways that you're likely to be in touch with potential employers is via email and its important that you can continue to be professional from the very moment you contact companies.

If you decide to email firms for more information about specific roles make sure correspondence does not contain errors. Sometimes this is easier said than done, and mistakes may happen if you're sending out lots of messages throughout the day. Microsoft Outlook features a recall function if you realise you've sent emails with errors, so you can retrieve it from the receiver's inbox before they've even opened the message.

Resuming your CV

In an ideal world CVs would be constantly updated so you could just fire them off when needed. This is rarely the case and when it comes to applying for new roles, most candidates dig up their old resumes that haven't been updated since they applied for their current jobs. In some ways, its easier to start all over again, rather than tweaking CVs with new information, but this can seem like a time intensive task.

Microsoft Word attempts to make this process as easy as possible with templates that are specific to job titles. This means that instead of creating CVs from scratch you can instead develop your resume from templates that are designed with a particular role in mind. So rather than paying CV experts to write one for you, Word gives you the opportunity to create your own and get a resume with a professional edge.

Author is a freelance copywriter. For more information on microsoft word training courses london, please visit

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