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AIO - Activities, Interests and Opinions, Psychographic profile

Hitesh Bhasin
marketing 91
Related Topic
:- Marketing Strategy

AIO – activities, interests and opinions


AIO or Activities interests opinions is one of the methods to carry out psychographic segmentation. AIO is mainly used to define an individuals psychographic profile. It tells a marketer of what a consumer likes, what are his interests and how does his thought process work. This is deduced through a series of questions asked by a market researcher which ultimately gives the consumers psychographic profile.

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The way a person carries out his work or the type of hobbies he has tells a lot about a person. If he has a tough work and at the same time he is also involved in numerous sports then we have a highly active person in hand. Whereas if we have a computer operator who mainly likes indoor sports then we have somone who is unlikely  to head out of home on his weekends. Thus depending on the activities of an individual, we can determine what would be his travelling habits, his working habits, so on and so forth.




What is the consumer interested in? Is he interested in food, technology products, fashion or recreation? A consumers interests also help marketers as they help him to decide on the right marketing message which needs to be communicated to the prospect consumer. If you have a consumer who is interested in technology products, its useless to pitch recreation plans to him (he might use it, but he is not your primary target).


Ask any political party or movie marketer and he will say that audience opinion is one of the topmost factors affecting the rise or fall of a political party or a movie. Opinions do matter. And especially in the age of internet, opinions spread fast. Nowadays there are agencies taking care of a brand online such that they can immediately give a feedback of what the public opinion about a brand / product is. The management can accordingly make the changes.

Now, as a marketer, if you have these three variables in hand –  activities, interests and opinions –  you can definitely make some decisions regarding your promotional plans as well as advertising message. This is the exact role that AIO –  activities, interests and opinion plays in market segmentation.
