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7 Advantages of Online Marketing - Benefits of Online Marketing

Hitesh Bhasin
marketing 91
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:- Online Marketing DIGITAL MARKETING

7 Advantages of Online Marketing – Benefits of Online Marketing


Want to know the advantages of Online Marketing for your business?

Then let me tell you here that the right use of online marketing strategy is only going to supercharge your lead generation, conversions, and revenues.

Doesn’t matter you own a B2B, B2C, Startup, Established or any other form of business, you can easily find an Online Marketing Channel that can widen the reach of your business by targeting right audiences and optimizing your online presence.

Online marketing incorporates a variety of channels like SEO, SEM, PPC, Content Marketing, Social Media, Inbound Marketing, Automation Marketing, etc. that empower your business in achieving your business goals. One of the best upsides of Digital Marketing is their ability to channelize marketing campaigns that are measurable.

This makes online marketing highly result driven.

It is also cost-effective, plus, you can use it to run personalized marketing campaigns for better engagements and conversions.

While talking about the advantages of Online Marketing, Google’s Asia-Pacific Head of SME, Kevin O’Kane once said that the right use of Digital Marketing works as the rocket fuel for optimizing little and medium scale businesses.

Stats are also vouching for his claims, as more than 55% of businesses have now incorporated Digital Marketing Strategy.

80% of advertisers worldwide are thinking that online marketing will be increasing their income by more than 30% by the end of 2018.

Google also conduct a research with Ipsos Hong Kong that says that companies with the right inclusion of Digital Marketing are enjoying 2.8 times better revenues than those who are not using digital means for targeting and converting their prospects.

That is why incorporating online marketing strategy will for sure be highly beneficial for your business.

Let us now go through some of the best advantages of Online Marketing Campaigns for you-

Table of Contents

7 Advantages of Online Marketing Campaigns


1) All Kinds of Businesses get Equal Opportunity to Promote Business

One of the best advantages of Online Marketing is its ability to offer equal opportunity to all kinds of businesses.

Just include the right digital marketing strategy, and you will start seeing the productive outcomes. Does not matter you have a big budget or limited, digital landscape levels the chances of accomplishing marketing goals. Small businesses and startups can use online marketing to go up against their competitors.

Using SEO, SMO and Content Marketing is going to be quite cost effective for you.

Plus, they will let you compete with some of the businesses in your niche.

Better content, smart strategy, and offering value to target audiences are some of the hacks that can put your site on the first page of Google or other search engines. –And once you start topping the Search Engine Results, be ready to appreciate quality traffic, better conversions and more profits.

2) Affordable than Traditional Marketing & Measurable with Analytics

Recent reports are claiming that more than 30% of businesses have shifted from Traditional Marketing to Online Marketing. The reason is the ability of online marketing in offering measurable results at a limited cost.

Cost per Lead of online marketing is lower than other traditional marketing campaigns. Below given stats also showcases that two online marketing channels Social Media & Email Marketing have the lowest CPL.


In addition to all this, you can easily measure the performance of your Online Marketing Campaigns using Web Analytics.

Analytics includes different metrics to tell you how well your online marketing campaign is performing and if they are doing what you wanted them to do or not. You can use Analytics to know your visitors, their behaviors, traffic movements, Page Views, etc.

Knowing what people are searching on your site, tracking campaigns, getting content feedback, etc. are some of the top benefits of web analytics.

Some of the web analytics tools that can help you track your site’s performance are –

  • Google Analytics
  • KISSmetrics
  • UserTesting
  • Crazyegg
  • Alexa
  • FoxMetrics
  • Spring Metrics
  • Chartbeat
  • Clicky

3) Better Lead Generations, Conversions & Revenues


One of the best advantages of Online Marketing is their ability to run personalized marketing campaigns. This helps them enjoy better lead generation and conversions.

The success of any marketing campaign depends upon the conversions that it offers. Conversion is actually convincing audiences to do what you want them to do. Convincing your site visitor to subscribe or buy a product or do some other actions is conversion.  Online Marketing helps you run Conversion Rate Optimization Campaigns that can help you appreciate increased conversions.

Some of the best Conversion Rate Optimization Tools are –

  • SumoMe
  • HelloBar
  • Leading
  • SimilarWeb
  • BuzzSumo
  • Really Good Emails
  • LandBook
  • Headline Analyzer

In addition, SEO, PPC, and SMM also help in boosting conversions for businesses.

Increased conversions will automatically boost your revenues. Advantages of Online Marketing include result driven targeting by using Calls to Action. This compels your prospects to do some desired actions that will ultimately increase your ROI. SMEs can expect 3.3 times better revenues through online marketing.

Running a local or international campaign is quite easy and you can easily let your business reach to your most relevant audiences who will follow your CTA, and opt for your product and services. This will increase your revenues as well.

4) Result Driven Interaction with Existing & Potential Customers

Informing, entertaining and engaging your prospects will let you accomplish your marketing goals.

You can ensure all this when you do proper interaction with your existing and potential customers. Online Marketing ensures this for you. You can segment your campaign as per the target niche and ensure better interaction with your audiences. You can opt for different digital marketing channels as per the inclinations of your prospects for ensuring better interactions.

Social Media, Emails Marketing, Content Marketing, etc. are the channels of Online Marketing that will help you communicate with your audiences. Offering value to your audiences is also quite easy in online marketing that increases interaction and engagement as well. Online Marketing is also very effective in trust building.

Immediate and personalized interactions are the keys that develop trust with the audiences.

According to Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey, more than 90 percent of consumers confirm that they prefer to believe in an information whose data come from the people they trust. Social Media Signals, testimonials and reviews are some of the advantages of Online Marketing that help in gaining the trust of potential buyers.

Trust rate is directly proportional to these social signs and this will for sure help in having the result driven interaction with customers.

5) Empowers you to Target Mobile Customers


In the Smartphone age, advantages of Online Marketing include abilities to target mobile consumers with targeted campaigns, which are for sure going to be highly fruitful in optimizing the awareness of your brand.

Around 90% of Indian phone users prefer having their Smartphone in the close vicinity and that is why using Mobile Marketing will enable you to reach to that palm and pockets of your target audiences. Online Marketing will let you run dedicated mobile campaigns as per the behavioral preferences of mobile users.

Smartphones are playing a significant role in influencing the purchase decisions of consumers. Mobile Marketing will help you use this to widen your reach and returns.

6) Constructs Highly Effective Brand Reputation

Online Marketing pulls in those audiences who are in search of a brand like you.

You will have the optimized online presence on all the different channels where your audiences are looking for the answers to their queries and solutions of their issues. Better branding on Search Engines and Social Media with immaculate Social Monitoring and Listening makes sure that your audiences rate you the best solution for all their related requirements.

With the effective use of Online Marketing, you can offer what your audiences are looking for. You can fulfill your promises and maintain a mutually productive association with them. This will help you enjoy great brand value that will ultimately empower you to have one of the richest and most loyal customer bases.

Better online repute can make your new launches an instant hit that can multifold your profits right away.

Now, as you have gone through all the possible benefits of digital marketing campaigns, let us go through different online marketing elements you need to incorporate to optimize your business-

7) Elements of Online Marketing to widen your reach and reap more profits

  • Websites and SEO content
  • Blogs
  • Internet banner ads
  • Online video content
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing (FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, etc)
  • Mobile marketing (SMS, MMS, etc)
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Neuromarketing
  • Augmented Reality
  • Artificial Intelligence

On the concluding note, I would also like to mention some of the online marketing trends that are highly useful for all kinds of e-businesses and you should also try to include them in your marketing campaigns-

  • Live Video Streaming
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Big Data Personalization
  • App-Store Optimization
  • Optimization based upon Wearable Technology
  • IoT Compatible Online Marketing
