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5 Ways To Make Sure Your Mobile Marketing Is Magical

Michael Pollack
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:- Mobile App Knowledge Marketing

5 Ways To Make Sure Your Mobile Marketing Is Magical

Mobile Marketing


Many of you are probably reading this blog on a mobile device, and you’re not alone. There are currently 7.2 billion+ mobile devices on the planet and that number isn’t slowing down (more here). Just thirty years ago that number was zero. On the receiving end of those mobile devices is a consumer that is continuously inundated with messages, content, and calls-to-action. Do you have strategy to break through the noise?

Mobile devices play a central (and growing) role in our lives. Once relegated to voice communication and text messaging, these devices are used for everything from monitoring our health, teaching us foreign languages, to decimating our productivity (I’m looking at you, Candy Crush!), and much more.

For today’s marketer, this represents tremendous opportunity, but also enormous challenges. In a world increasingly filled with noise, marketers face the challenge of consistently delivering compelling and meaningful content that drives engagement with their customers.

So how can a savvy marketer consistently deliver meaningful (dare I say, magical) experiences in this strange new world? I’m glad you asked.

1. Mobile Friendly is not Optional

Consumers increasingly device-shift. They may start on your website at their desktop, then continue reading on their mobile device, and continue their engagement on your native app.


2. Be Smart With Your Social Media

Keep in mind that the majority of social media users are engaging via mobile devices. When posting to Facebook or writing Tweets, be thoughtful to utilize links that deliver a high-quality experience on mobile. To create a seamless experience and minimize your bounce rate, try not to drop users onto a page that’s not mobile optimized. Additionally, optimize your content for mobile—including highly visual material that flows well on a mobile screen, versus asking your user to pinch and pull the window to the achieve right size.

3. E-commerce Should Be Native

When consumers are ready to make a purchase, they don’t want to switch devices. If you’re operating in the e-commerce channel, a native mobile app is not a ‘nice to have’, but rather a requirement to ease the friction of purchase streamline the overall experience, and drive conversion. Design your email communications to include links that drive the user to open the app.  Additionally, consider the mobile experience for buyers who want to complete their purchase outside of an app, on a mobile browser and make that experience as frictionless as possible to increase conversion.

4. Measure Twice, Cut Once

Analytics (like GA) can help you  measure the success of your mobile marketing strategies, this is especially important during coordinated marketing campaigns. This will allow way you to quantify the effectiveness of your cross-channel efforts, for example, number of conversions from email clicks, to website signups, or web page views, to app installs. Pay close attention to new visitors experiencing your site for the first time on their mobile device–are they bouncing from a specific page? Getting lost in your onboarding funnel?

5. Test Early and Often

As release cycles accelerate, it’s more important than ever that you catch bugs before they impact your (potential) customers. You don’t want to spend time, money, and effort to develop a new mobile app for a business, only to find out that there’s a design flaw that makes it difficult to use. Conversely, an amazing app isn’t going to be able to capture customers if the download page is confusing or difficult to use.

As you think through your mobile marketing strategy it’s important that it operates as a component of your overall marketing efforts. Mobile is not just another channel, it represents the most personal channel for many of your customers and a unique opportunity to drive lasting and meaningful engagement.
