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CAA North & East Ontario

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:- SEO SEO strategies

CAA North & East Ontario

SEP helps CAA boost their online revenue 4x


The Challenge

CAA was seeking to increase its new membership acquisitions, increase travel bookings and insurance sales.

CAA North & East Ontario came to Search Engine People to develop an online marketing strategy which would help increase overall profitability and positively impact the bottom line.

The Solution

Search Engine People generated an organic optimization (SEO) strategy for CAA to increase the websites’ exposure for targeted keywords in search engines.

The organic SEO campaign was so successful that a PPC campaign was then generated to continue this success and drive seasonally-relevant traffic to the site for auto-related issues.

Finally, SEP developed a popular CAA Blood-Alcohol Calculator widget which was successfully used to drive traffic and further increase CAA’s reach online.


CAA’s investment in online marketing yielded outstanding results, including:

  • Revenue more than quadrupled through CAA’s online channel
  • CAA gained recognition by the Ministry of Transportation for the Blood-Alcohol calculator widget
  • CAA also now dominates specific travel niches in natural search such as Disney, Las Vegas and New York City related searches
  • Other divisions of CAA throughout Canada now look to CAA NEO for direction on campaign development and conversion tracking
