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Waste bin company stays clean with good SEO

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:- SEO SEO strategies

Waste Wise

Waste bin company stays clean with good SEO


The Challenge

Waste Wise Products, a provider of commercial recycling and trash bins, had a well-optimized website that often ranked high for target keywords. Appearing at top of Google drove a steady increase in traffic from organic search results, until one day it just stopped. The organic traffic disappeared almost overnight.

Like with many similar scenarios, it was suspected to be the result of a Google Penalty. Upon further investigation, it was confirmed that Waste Wise’s website was penalized and sent their organic traffic tumbling down.

The Solution

Waste Wise needed to remedy their situation, evaluate the severity of the penalty and recover the lost traffic. Search Engine People was engaged for their Penalty Recovery solution which included a penalty assessment and a high-level action plan of immediate steps to take to address the penalty.

Once the plan was presented, SEP implemented a long-term recovery strategy to get the website back in compliance with Google’s guidelines and protect it from further penalties. Additionally, SEP worked closely with Waste Wise to formulate a custom SEO package to help regain lost traffic.


Few months post-penalty recovery, Waste Wise is beginning to enjoy organic traffic once again.

With a systematic action plan, ongoing custom SEO solutions and patience, the website is receiving 150% more traffic than it did during the penalty period.
