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20 Ideas for using Social Media for Business - Social Media Ideas

Hitesh Bhasin
marketing 91
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:- Social Media Marketing

20 Awesome Ideas of Using Social Media for Business


Surely, you have all heard about the term social media marketing. Well, it is one of the most popular ways of making sure that your business and your thoughts are able to reach the customers and clients. The pervasiveness and power of social platforms make using Social Media for businesses highly important in today’s time.

Whether you want it or not, there are interactions happening between several brands and your audiences on social networks. If you prudently be an integral part of that interaction, then using social media for business would be highly beneficial for you in targeting relevant audiences and converting them into loyal customers. With the help of social media sites such as TwitterFacebook, and Instagram, you will be able to bring amazing success for your business and your brand,

Table of Contents

Why Do We Need Social Media?


We all know that the traditional methods are not as effective and useful as online means of promoting and adverting businesses. The regular means of marketing fail to produce the same results as social media marketing. There are many benefits that come with social media marketing and you cannot deny it for sure. For your information, we are going to highlight some of these reasons for you here and now.

Benefits of Using Social Media for Business


Social media marketing can be used in order to:

  • Increase the brand visibility to make sure that your business and your brand has an online presence
  • Cultivate and build professional and personal networks in order to run your business smoothly
  • Grow and develop relationships with the influencers and the customers
  • To ensure that real-time engagement and interaction is possible with the people and to make sure that you are able to answer all the queries of your customers
  • Share the curated links which include vital information
  • Communicate with the community
  • Generate new leads and turn prospects into loyal customers
  • Run paid ads on different social media platforms to target those audiences that are relevant to your business

Let us now understand what the different ways are that you can use to make most of the Social Media Platforms-

20 Ideas for Social Media for Businesses

Here are some of the ways by which you can use social media for your own business.

1) Cover Image Or Backdrop

You need to make sure that your visitors are attracted to your website in the first place when they visit. The best way to do that is to make sure that you have a proper cover image on your social media profile. This is the first impression of your brand for the visitors and it has to be impactful. Visual content creates better impact and it absorbs the attention of visitors straight away.

2) Infographics

We all know that Infographics are really important as they will be able to explain the statistics to the visitors in the most organized, engaging and straightforward manner possible. Infographics will tell them about your performance. Utilizing infographics for describing sales performance, productivity analysis, research findings is one of the best ways of using social media for converting prospects

3) Call-To-Actions

You need to make sure that you have a proper call-to-action for your business so that the prospects are all interested in your business. This can ensure the conversion of a visitor into a customer. Using visuals will increase the click potential of CTA button

4) YouTube Videos

You can also use YouTube videos for the promotion of your product. There is no doubt that YouTube videos are very popular these days for product promotion, staff introduction, event promotion, CSR Activities and so on.

5) Pinterest Can Help

You can also try to engage the customers by taking their interest to Pinterest. When they are able to submit the ‘Pins’, you will see the results for sure. When it comes to using social media for business, Pinterest is very popular amongst businesses related to the wedding, fashion, interior designing, and other businesses that highly depend upon visuals.

6) Be Transparent

You also need to make sure that your audience is able to understand you and the best way to do that is to ensure that you are all transparent on the web. This will make the people trust you more. When you highlight your real status in front of your audiences, it increases your credibility.

7) Using Memes

Memes are the new thing these days and you can use them in place of images. This will definitely keep the visitors amused and entertained and it will also give you some more followers.  Memes also have more potential to go viral.

8) Instagram

We don’t have to tell you about Instagram as you already know how powerful and amazing it is in order to promote your business. You can use it to attract the customers for sure. You can use it to share your messages in front of new customers. When it comes to using social media for business then Instagram is very effective for B2C businesses

9) Using Snapchat

If you use Snapchat for the promotion of your business, you will see that more and more people are turning towards your product, as Snapchat is also a very popular social media site. You can use filters and sponsored lenses to run unique and creative campaigns for your business on this channel.

10)  PowerPoint Presentations

When it comes to the promotion of the business, there is one thing that never fails. Don’t know what we are talking about? Well, PowerPoint slides, of course. In case you have educational objectives, this one is very effective for you. SlideShare is one of the social platforms for people who need comprehensive and complete lessons.

11) Follow The New Trends

There are new marketing trends coming up every year. What you need to do is keep your eyes on these trends so that you can follow them and achieve success. You can integrate your site with a Pinterest page to be aware of all the new trends in your niche.

12) Comics Work but Gags Don’t

You are not advised to use different gags when you are promoting businesses on the web, but comics can be very entertaining and refreshing for sure. You could definitely use them to get more visitors; they can interact with the audiences in an entertaining and engaging manner.

13) Have a Product Catalogue

When you want to make your products popular, you need to have a catalog and you also need to make sure that you post the links to your catalog so that people can easily see it. Then, you can use Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest sorts of social channels for promoting your catalogs. Such catalogs can also be used as CTA buttons.

14) Sharing Boards With The Brands

You also might have to partner with some of the other brands if you want to promote your business. Remember that one of the best ways to come to the limelight is to share it with someone. For example, a Furniture company can partner with an Interior Design store for promoting the latest furniture designs.

15) Have Innovation Within You

If you want to encourage the audience to be interested in your products and services then you need to think creatively. Having an innovative mind really helps a lot. Creating unique content that is thought-provoking is one of the best ways of using social media for businesses.

16) Surveys

Surveys are one of the best ways of using Social Media for business. It helps to know what is going on in the minds of your prospects and customers. Luckily, social media provides such advantages for the businesses to conduct surveys.

17)  Using Inspirational Quotes

You might not be able to do this daily but using the inspirational quotes can really help you get success in the best way possible. This establishes a good and righteous brand image for your business in mind and soul of your audiences.

18) Contests

Make sure that you have some contests on your social media page, as this will make people more engaged in your business. It will also give you some ideas for content and customized services that best serve your customers.

19)  Prioritize the Stakeholders

Your business might have stakeholders that have certain expectations for the business. You need to make sure that you prioritize them separately and do not mix them up. Offering personalized content to stakeholders ensures better engagement.

20) Rewards

One of the best ways to get customers is to reward them. Make sure that you have some rewards for the customers that win on your contest. You can also declare ‘Customer of the Week’ or ‘the most active user’ etc.

Wrap Up!

So, these are some of the awesome ways by which you can easily start using social media for business in the most result driven manner possible.

Follow these tips to become the undefeated king of social media.
