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What is Product Description In E-Commerce and How to Write It?

Hitesh Bhasin
marketing 91
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:- e-commerce product description


What is Product Description In E-Commerce and How to Write It?


The product description in e-commerce is a tool for marketing which describes the value of the products in proposition to the customer’s buying potential.

An effective product description provides with all the necessary and relevant details related to that product like its features, the benefits that are associated with it, etc. which helps in generating sales.

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Understanding the concept of Product Description In E-Commerce


In general product description is a necessary aspect when it comes to the advertisement for it. By providing a relevant and informative product description, the potential customers would be more inclined towards buying those products.

A products description includes data that a customer would look for in the first place before they finally make that purchase.

Now the products description can be different depending upon the type of products is being sold. The importance of the products description is such neither that neither the e-commerce managers nor the owners of the online store can try to overlook this aspect.

By providing a products description, it reflects the authenticity of the product; thus, it helps in gaining the trust of the customers.


The managers and the owners of the e-commerce website understand the importance of the product description very well. Thus they make sure that they put up the most generic and relevant products description on their website so that the customer may not find any difficulty in gathering all the information related to that products and there they need that product or not.

Thus it is very crucial to provide all the key details of their product that is being put on sale on the online platform. When a customer is going through the product description, they keep imagining all of that in their mind whether consciously or unconsciously.

And once they feel satisfied, they eventually buy that product. Here the more detailed the product description is, the more powerful the imagination of the customer will be.

Thus when the customers can fantasize more about that product, they will eventually want to buy it. Thus the product description is more like storytelling and is in some ways related to the psychology of the consumers.

After the product description is, the more it will make you stand apart from your rival companies in terms of generating more sales and revenue.

An example of Product Description In E-Commerce

A products description, therefore, contains all the information that is necessary to make your customer believe that a particular product is the right choice for them if their demands meet with the description of the product.

Now whenever a customer buys a product online, they costly keep looking for all the necessary data they would want to know about the product.

For example, a woman is buying a dress form an online store. Own it sure that she would directly add it to the cart. She would first take time to know the various details about the dress that she is going to buy. Here the products description will play a major role in convincing women to buy that product.

Now the products detail should provide information like the price of the material or the fabric of the dress, the sizing of that dress, the color of that dress, etc. so here that particular online store which is selling that dress must make sure that the products description that they have added here includes all of these details.

This way, their customers may get convinced in buying that product. But if the product description is not provided properly, it may discourage the customer in buying the products which happen in the majority of the cases.

This way of a particular online website selling their products provide details about it; it becomes easier for them to convert their normal website visitors into a potential customer.

How to write Product Description In E-Commerce?


Now it is evident that products descriptions play a key role in increasing sales. But writing a product description is no cakewalk. One should make sure that the products description that they are putting on their website has the ability to influence their customers and gain their trust.

Now while writing a product description must take care of several factors to come up with the best of its kind.

Now here are some basic steps that can be used to create an effective product description

1) Understand who your targeted customers are


The first thing before writing a products description is to find the answers to some relevant questions like who is this product being sold for? The answer to it may be classified demographics on the basis of their age, incomes, gender, etc.

The second question that should be asked should be, what the basic details of the product are? The answer to it should be related to the features, dimension, quality, the material used, and various other functions of that product. Where would the buyer use that product?

The answer to it in terms of whether they will be singing it indoor or outdoor etc. the nest question to be asked should be when will these products be used by the buyer? The answer to this should e in terms of timing like day wise, season-wise or occasion wise.

The next question that you should e answering to would be why is your product useful to the buyer, and how is it better than its rivals? Here you can add its qualities or features etc., basically anything that catches the attention of your customers.  And the last question that you should be answering to is how your product will work?

This is not applicable to all types of products, but if your product belongs to the electronics category, then it becomes necessary to answer this question as well.

2) Focus on the best format to craft your product description

Here you need to come up with the best of your creativity. You can write the products description either in the form of bullet points or in the form of a small comprehensive paragraph.

No matter how you present your product description, make sure that it conveys the maximum information in a short and crisp format.  By using your creativity, you will be able to set a perfect tone for your brand.

3) Measure the success of your products by setting up goals


This is the next approach to writings a perfect product description.

This is because when you keep a check on how well your products descriptions are performing on the basis of how satisfied your customers are with your products description, you can easily spot the areas of improvement and with practice, over time you will master the art of writing product description.

This, in turn, will help you in attracting more customers for buying products, which means there will be an increase in the conversion rate, you will be getting fewer calls to form shoppers and customers, and you will be able to improve the search rankings.

4) Make your products description precise and informative

Now, this looks quite difficult to bring two completely opposite thing together, but it can be done.

For this, you can start by wiring short paragraphs of 2 to 3 lines hardly giving a sweet message about the product or on how they can use it and then include bullet points to list all of its important features and functions.  This way, your products description will remain sweet and simple.

5) Use storytelling in your product description


Though this may not be applicable to all in some cases, you can take full advantage of this to help your customers emotionally connect with your product.

You can add a back-story related to those products in your products description. This may be special to your customers as well and make them buy the product.

6) Boast as much as you can in the product description

Now if your products have something unique that makes it stand out, don’t be afraid of putting that in front of your customers, because that’s what majority of the customers are looking for, Uniqueness!

7) Add some technical details to your product if needed

Suppose if your product is related to some kind of electronics item, then don’t forget to write the technical details of it. For example, for a phone, you can add things like its camera pixels, its storage, battery capacity, etc.

8) Use catchy and relevant images


This again is an important aspect of your products description.

When you write a products description, but don’t put an image of your product or have put it already but it is not the best quality of image, then this may be quite a turn off for your customers. So make sure that you include some really good pictures of your products.


Thus an effective product description can be game-changers when it comes to marketing your products in the right manner. And thus it is necessary to work on the product description and it may create a long-lasting impression on your customers
