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What Is Native Advertising? Native Advertising Examples

Hitesh Bhasin
marketing 91
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:- Advertising native advertising

What Is Native Advertising? Native Advertising Examples


Have you ever heard of the term Native advertising? Well, if you have not then it is high time that you get familiar with the term, as it is going to be a great help for you.

This is especially the case if you own a particular business. The process of native advertising is basically using the paid advertisements that can match the entire functionality, feel, and look of the particular media format where these ads are going to appear.

Well, you will be able to see native ads very often on the feeds of social media and sometimes they are even visible on the content of a particular web page. Unlike the other options such as banner ads and display ads, the native ads do not have any resemblance to advertisements. They basically have the look and feel of a particular editorial of any page.

One of the key elements in native advertising is the non-disruptive layout of it. This means that the advertising content of the brand will basically be exposed to the reader but in a very humble but effective way.

So, to define native advertising in the simplest form, it is a process of advertising that happens online and it matched the functions and forms of the platform where it is going to appear.

Table of Contents

Why Marketers opt for Native Advertising?

There are many reasons why the marketers would like to invest in the native marketing field a lot these days. However, we are going to discuss just a few of them for today-

  • One of the many possible reasons why people use native marketing so much is because it really works most of the times. Even the statistics prove it that consumers that look at the ads have 53% of them looking at native ads than the banner or display ads.
  • Also, another thing to notice is that native ads have the ability to increase the purchase intent by 18%. Also, the original editorials and the native ads have almost the same visual engagement or there might be a chance that the visual engagement of the native ads is higher than the editorials.
  • Another one of the possible reasons why native advertising is so popular amongst the people is that it helps in fighting ad fatigue. We all know that ad fatigue is a very common thing that happens on the Internet. Haven’t you ever felt like you just cannot look at another ad? Well, that is exactly what ad fatigue is. It so happens that we often not pay attention to the ads that pop up on our screen. Such a problem will not exist in native advertising.

Since they are just the brand exposure that is enclosed in the editorial content, these native ads never get boring for the audience. All you need to do is make sure that the content provided is interesting and relevant.


Customers prefer native advertising even after knowing that it is a particular form of ad that is being used. There is not fooling associated with native advertising and everything is out in the open.

The customers are always aware of the fact that they are viewing ads when they take a look at native advertisements. Even after that, there are impressive results on the purchase behaviour of the people.

These are some of the reasons why people tend to use naïve advertisements a lot-

Why Do You Need To Go Native?

Do you still think that you are a little bit confused about whether to use native advertising or not? Well, this section of the article will certainly clear out all the doubt that you have. Make sure that you are reading carefully people as you will be able to make an informed and educated decision after reading this.

Here are some of the reasons why choosing native advertising might just be the best solution for your business and brand-

People Actually See These Ads


Even more than the standard banners that pop up every single time you open a particular website, it is seen that people are more interested in looking at the native ads that are placed. Results show that 25% more people tend to watch native ads than others.

The Editorial View

One of the best things about the native ads is that they look and resemble the editorials and hence have got a following that is pretty much similar to the editorials as well. In fact, customer engagement is quite higher in case of native advertisements.

Mobile Branding

Mobile users are increasing in numbers, as half of the world is all going crazy about mobile phones. It is the statement of the mobile users that native ads are effective at properly achieving the goals of branding.

What Are the Main Goals Of Native Advertising?

When it comes to discussing the main goals of the native advertising, there are two different goals that come to the mind-

  • One of the main goals of the native advertisements is to make sure that the brand is positioned in a better way in the minds of the consumer. To create a better image of the brand is what native advertisement is all about.
  • Another main goal that comes to the limelight when we talk about native advertising goals is to ensure that the consumers are able to take certain actions that are properly in terms with the search engine advertisements.

Let us now deep dive into types of native ads

Types of Native Advertising

1) In-Feed Native Ads

They are used to promote sponsored content within the natural environment of the publications. These ads are also marked as sponsored content.


2) Search & Promoted Listings

Such ads will look identical to the organic search engine results. Promoted listing native advertising ads are generally used in e-commerce where they look identical to the other products on the site.


3) Content Recommendation Widgets

You must have seen different websites that showcase a section ‘ Recommended for you’ or ‘You may also like’. These sections are actually content recommendation widgets.

4) Custom Content Units

Such sorts of native advertising do not follow a specific format but they adjust based upon the content of a site.


Let us now go through some of the top Native Advertising Examples to understand the concept in a clear fashion-

Native Advertising Examples

Native Twitter Ads


You must have seen promoted tweets on Twitter; they are actually the part of native advertising. Promoted tweets are also identical to any other tweet.

Native Search Engine Ads


I had discussed this in types of Native Advertising section as well. Remember? – Yes, these native advertising examples are identical to the organic search engine results.

Native News Feed Ads


These ads can be seen on the publisher’s news feed and they look similar to other news feeds. Such ads are shown just next to real news. Such ads can be of two types- the first one is Sponsored in which brand will pay the publisher for creating the content, while the second one is- Branded, in which brand itself creates the content that publishers will publish.

Native Advertorial Ads


Such native advertising examples are identical to the editorial content but their actual goal is to advertising any brand.

Native Video Ads


Videos can also be used in native advertising. Below given Video ad example of Nike that is published on SBNation page is an example Native Video Ads-

The Final Thought

In a world where advertising rules everything else, the consumers are certainly becoming very savvy. They are able to recognize the advertisements even if they are miles away. Apart from that, the consumers also have a very skeptical view when they look at the advertisements.

So, it is really important that people invest more and more in the native advertising, as people will be more interested in seeing that than the other advertisement options.

Now, that you know how beneficial native advertising is, are you going to start investing in it? Well, if you do, then the results are only going to be positive.
