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What is Email Blast? How to use Email Blast to get customers?

Hitesh Bhasin
marketing 91
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:- Email marketing

What is an Email Blast? How to use Email Blast to get customers?


Want to know if the Email Blast is still relevant or not? Then, let us first understand what it is, and later we will dive deep to check its significance in the time of Social Media & Mobile Marketing.

Table of Contents

What is Email Blast?


Generally, when email-marketers/businesses send a single email message to a large group of people (without ensuring the worth of that mail to the recipient); it is termed as Email Blast. In this, no segmentation of Email list occurs. Even some of the times, marketers do not care about CAN-SPAM act and just try to send emails to the largest numbers of recipients.

This is a very aggressive way of widening the reach of your business. Newbie marketers opt for such tactics and they just import their contact list into an attractive looking email template and send an email. – That for sure lacks the result-driven tactic & vision.

Actually, the term ‘Blast’ itself comprises some kinds of negativity. It is like an uncontrolled explosion that brings destructions. –And that is why; uncontrolled Email Blasting can be highly destructive for your business as well.

Subscribers are never going to respond to you in the way you want (if you do not value them).

Therefore, in Email Marketing, it is inevitable that your mail offers some sorts of value addition in recipient’s life. You should connect, convince and convert them to get a favorable action.

Incorporating such strategies will empower your Email Blast Campaign to ensure new Signups.

Let us now discuss some of the easy Email Blast Hacks to get new customers-

10 Ways to Use Email Blasts for Getting Customers


1) Opt for Catchy Subject Line to Pull In Prospects Instantly

One of the primary techniques that can enable your Email Blast to offer the expected outcome is using catchy headlines that prompt prospects to open the email.

As per stats, around 47% of marketers say that for optimizing the performance of their email campaigns, they prefer testing different subject lines. Crafting good subject lines is directly proportional to the success of any email campaign.

 Best practices that you can follow to create great subject lines include-

  • Urgency
  • Curiosity
  • Offers
  • Personalization
  • Relevance and Timeliness
  • Name Recognition
  • Cool Stories, etc.

Let us look at some of the highly compelling Subject Lines-

  • “Uh-oh, your prescription is expiring”
  • “The timer’s going off on your cart!”
  • “What Did You Think? Write a Review.”
  • “1,750 points for you. Valentine’s flowers & more for them.”
  • “*Don’t Open This Email*””I got Botox—& THIS is what it looked like”, etc.

2) Ensure Value Addition in Prospects’ Life

Creating an email that spotlights on convincing the reader to do something that only benefits your main concern is not an intelligent practice at all. This may lead your recipients to get somewhat indifferent towards you. – This will ultimately impede them from opening your future emails as well.

You should offer them some value like a Cashback Offer, Discount Coupon, Free Trial, Free Guide, Special Subscription and so on.

You should be creative and try to gauge what can be valuable for your audiences. Offering some value-addition convinces your prospects that you care for them that let them convert and be your loyal recipient.

3) Always Get the Permission from your Targets

It is very important that you get permission from your recipient to increase the conversion rates of your emails. Different practices that are advised here are Single Opt-in, Double Opt-in, and Opt-out.

You should make your subject line authentic and very clear about the action that you want your recipients to take. Using ‘Once in a Life Time Opportunity’ or ‘Click Here’ in your email blast campaign is also avoidable.

Using Bluff Spam Filters is also a big NO.

4) Give Back links to your Site

This is going to be an awesome method to drive prospects directly to your site.

While composing the content of your Email Blast, you should give links that can guide recipients to tap on that and reach to your site. Different Email Marketing Services let you do this and it plays the most significant role in increasing conversions of your Email Marketing Campaigns.

5) Convince your Prospects to perform an Action

When you send an email, the main purpose is to connect, convince and convert the recipient.

An extraordinary marketer dependably completes a campaign by smartly requesting the potential customer to make a buy. In the case of Email Blast, it is very important that you follow the same tactics. You should lure them to do the favorable action.

Asking your customers to buy via an Email is one of the easiest techniques compared to other marketing campaigns. You ought to let them land on your landing page in the most organic, appealing and engaging manner. Different kinds of Email Blasts that you can use here are-

  • Newsletter
  • Marketing Offer
  • Announcement
  • Event Invitation

6) Make your “From” field Personalized

Generally, Email Marketing Service Providers like Benchmark enable you to send messages from the name that you prefer.

While sending an Email Blast, you should make sure that you are not sending it ’’ or anything generic like that. Your email should originate from you and the more personalized you make it, the superior it would be in lead generation and conversion.

7) Stay away from Spam Flags

It is very important that you make sure that your email is not sent to the spam folder of your recipient.

Actually, when you send an email, ISP of your recipient examines it a couple of times searching for signals if you are a spammer or not. In the event that it sees any such signs, it will put your email in the spam box of your recipient.

Their ISP can also simply bounce your email back. To make sure that your email is not being blacklisted or spammed, you should make sure that the subject line of your email does not use-

  • Exclamation points
  • Phrases like “free,” “discount,” “special,” “save,” etc.
  • Dollar signs
  • All caps, etc.

8) Make the Timing Right

Knowing the right days and times to send Email Blast is very important in channelizing successful email marketing campaigns.

For improving open rates of your Emails, making the timing right is inevitable.

As per WordStream data-

The right time to Send Emails- Thursday 8-9 AM & The Worst time to do Email Blast- Tuesday and Wednesday 8-10 AM.

However, it varies with the company, time zone, device, demographics and many other factors. Let us go through some of the general rules related to the right timing of sending emails-

Daytime Vs Nighttime- Daytime is always better as it is the time people are awake and ready to accept something new and fresh

Mondays- You have to avoid sending emails to your targets on Mondays, as their inbox would already be accumulated with the emails of weekends, and chances are way higher than your mail will be ignored

Weekends- People prefer doing fun or taking rests on weekends and that is why weekends will also offer low open rate

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday- These weekdays are the favorites of pro Email Marketers and you should always send your email blast on these days to increase open rates

9) Choose Your Service Providers Wisely

To let your Email Blast enjoy good open rate, you should opt for an Email Marketing Service Provider that has the good reputation in the industry. This plays a very significant role in letting your emails pass the spam filters of your recipients.

In case, you choose a server that has been sending spams then there will be lesser chances that your emails will reach the inbox of your prospects.

That is why; you should contact your service provider and ask about their spam prevention policies before finalizing them. Some top-rated Email Marketing Services can update you about the chances of an email being spammed in advance. So, always choose Email Service that fits well with your marketing campaign.

10) Test and Tweak your Emails to check Open Rate Variations

To make your email campaign more personalized and result driven, it is important that you split test it with two separate subjects.

You may also opt for distinctive ideas to check how open rate changes for different blasts. You can then choose the option that is offering a better open rate.

Your Turn Now!

On the concluding note, I hope you would have understood the right ways of using Email Blast to ensure positive and productive outcomes.Still have any doubt or want me to analyze your campaign and tell you the right email marketing strategy for your business?
