What is Brand Experience? Its Importance & Examples of Brands which deliver awesome Brand Experience

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Brand Experience refers to experimental marketing created by organizations to influence the feelings of a customer towards a specific brand name or a product. Brand Experience has an impact on spending and recommendations and even encourages consumer loyalty Examples 1. Netflix 2. Red Bull 3. LEGO Important Elements of Brand Experience 1. Customer Support 2. User Experience 3. Brand Image 4. Brand Voice 5. Brand Design How to Create an Awesome Brand Experience? Step 1: Put the onus on experience more than the sales figures It is equally important for a customer to know what is taking place before, in-between and after a sale. He must feel good about all three phases as his overall brand experience will determine his loyalty towards a specific product or a brand. Example - Starbucks Step 2:  Create opportunities for viable interactions The sale is important but the customers desire an overall experience that is not limited just to sales as for them the visibility and accessibility are opportunities for interaction. Brands must take the help of survey and contests with the customers to create an awesome brand experience. Example – Coca Cola Step 3: Be consistent Lack of consistency will harm a brand image so it’s important to be consistent with brand colour, logo and typography to create an awesome brand experience. Example - FedEx Step 4: Concentrate on storytelling Paint a larger picture with help of storytelling as it will create curiosity and foster continuity. Example – Apple “Underdogs” campaign Step 5: Find the motive The brand should be well-defined so that the customer can find the motive and relate to the goal for an awesome brand experience. Example - Facebook This video is on Brand Experience and it has the following sub-topics. Time Stamps 0:00 Introduction 00:21 What is Brand Experience? 01:12 Brand Experience Examples 01:59 Important elements of Brand Experience 02:29 How to create an awesome Brand 
