What is Automation?

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You’re sleepy, you wake in the middle of the night to get a drink. On your way to the kitchen, you stub your toe on a chair, kick the dog's water bowl which spills water all over the tile floor. You search for the light switch, slipping on the spilt water and fall on your, well, you know. How many times have you wished that this late night venture of searching for the light switch could be automated? Meaning, you just want to walk into the kitchen and the light will turn on all on its own. And of course, when you are finished and leave the room, the light should turn off as well. Well, an automatic process such as this is not unlike the factory floor and the concept of automation or industrial automation. This video discusses manual processes versus automated processes. The manual process being fumbling around in the kitchen searching for that illusive light switch and the automatic process of the light turning on automatically when you enter the room. The video will then bring those examples to the factory floor which will give you an in-depth look at the world of industrial automation. Let’s learn something! 
