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Web Developer Skills & Characteristics | Thinkful

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Web Developer Skills

By Thinkful

How a business is represented in the digital realm rests squarely on the shoulders of highly skilled web developers. These talented professionals create aesthetically pleasing sites that are easy to use and accurately portray the company’s brand.

This responsibility doesn’t come lightly. And it’s no surprise that top Developers can earn well over $100,000 per year. They also receive top perks, enjoy excellent career prospects, and have solid job security.

If you’re a technical person with a passion for design, you’re perfectly suited to a future in web development. To get started in this field, you’ll first need to learn various development skills and techniques. This article aims to highlight these skills and outline the best way you can get up to speed.

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Skills Required to Become a Web Developer

The key skills you'll need to become a Web Developer are:

  • Coding knowledge
  • Collaboration
  • Problem-solving
  • Attention to detail

Let’s begin by examining the technical skills required for a web development career:

  • HTML: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard language used to add content to web pages. HTML is used by the web browser to create and interpret images, animation, text, and other components into a fully functional experience.

    The characteristics of each element are defined by HTML and can be further tweaked and even enhanced by the designer. HTML is usually the starting point for many web developers. It forms the foundation for you to embark on a career in web development.
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the language used to define the style of HTML elements. For example, you can create a page heading using HTML, then use CSS to make it bold or change its color. Before learning CSS you need to have a good understanding of HTML.
  • JavaScript: JavaScript is one of the first true programming languages you’ll learn. While HTML and CSS are used to add content and build page elements, JavaScript is used to make these elements dynamic.

    JavaScript is necessary for building a site that intends to incorporate interactive elements and features. Whether you need to insert animation elements, audio, video, or even games, JavaScript code is the standard technology used to implement them.

    jQuery is a JavaScript library that includes a collection of extensions that speed up development. jQuery compresses multiple lines of JavaScript code into a single line. This makes coding common tasks much easier.
  • Back-End Languages: Web developers specializing in the back-end need to master server-side programming languages like PHP, Python, and Java. These languages are important for building the core functionality of the site and are used to interact with other applications.
  • Databases: Most web applications that perform a useful function will require a database. Web developers must learn how to design efficient databases and interact with them using SQL (Structured Query Language). You’ll need to learn how to read, write, update, and delete data in a database. Popular database systems include MySQL, Oracle, MS Access, and PostgreSQL.
  • Graphic Design: As a web developer you’ll be tasked with breathing life into storyboards and early design ideas. Understanding the fundamentals of graphic design will allow you to work independently of others.

    Spending time getting familiar with some of the common graphic design tools should be a priority, as your ability to produce aesthetically pleasing graphics will only work in your favor. Figma, Photoshop, InVision, and Sketch are some of the more common tools that are used by accomplished web developers.
  • Frameworks: AngularJS, Express.js, and Bootstrap are examples of popular JavaScript frameworks. Web developers use frameworks to save time and avoid reinventing the wheel. They pool together common functions into an easy-to-use package.

    For example, while some JavaScript frameworks help you craft sophisticated user interfaces, other JavaScript frameworks help optimize a site for speed.
  • Version Control/GIT: Version control helps developers track and control changes that have been made to code. In case something goes wrong, you can restore previous versions of your work to troubleshoot or debug the code without having to start all over again. GIT is an open-source software program that performs this function and can help you save time.
  • Web Performance Optimization: Another important responsibility of a web developer is to ensure your website works flawlessly without allowing any glitches to creep in.

    It can be time-consuming to continually optimize images and tweak code. Programs like Grunt and Gulp provide automated image optimization that updates your JavaScript code, along with other web performance optimization tasks.

Soft Skills Required to Become a Web Developer

Soft skills are transferable skills that apply across different roles. Together with hard technical skills, you’ll also need to work on the following soft skills to land a web developer position:

  • Communication: Web developers rarely work alone. You’ll need to meet with clients, capture user requirements, and discuss ideas with other developers. This all requires excellent communication skills to avoid ambiguity. You may also need strong writing skills as you put together technical documentation or project reports.
  • Presentation: You could be asked to present the technical aspects of the project to clients. So, you should be comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. You’ll also need to learn tools like MS Powerpoint to put together your slides.
  • Organization: As a web developer you’ll often be involved in multiple tasks at once. It’s important to stay organized and work through your responsibilities in a pragmatic manner.
  • Time Management: Web development projects always work with deadlines in place. You need to be able to prioritize tasks and identify risks that could lead to missed deadlines.
  • Attitude: Other team members or senior designers may provide you with constructive criticism. It’s important that you take the feedback on board in a positive manner and learn from your mistakes. This will help you improve your skills and identify any weaknesses.

Becoming a Web Developer

Many aspiring web devs take the traditional path of a college degree. A technical discipline like computer science or software engineering will provide you with a solid foundation. And it does come with a price tag: expect to spend around $120,000 in tuition fees and up to 4 years to get your BA.

But a degree isn’t actually required to get started in the space. Many employers favor on-trend skills and relevant experience over formal education. Considering the significant investment required, many students are increasingly looking at alternative education programs.

Bootcamps are a more affordable, more focused, and more intensive study option. Unlike degrees, students only study what’s necessary for the role. This makes the learning process more efficient.

Enroll in our online web developer bootcamp today to benefit from expert mentoring, full community support, and a professionally designed curriculum. As part of the training, you’ll put together a stand-out portfolio to wow prospective employers. You’ll also gain experience working in teams.

We know that our path to a new career works, but you don’t have to take our word for it. Check out our long-term student outcomes to see how the course has paid off for other grads.


Can I learn Web Development skills on my own?

Yes, it’s absolutely possible to self-learn Web Development. To learn Web Development you first need to master its two aspects: front-end and back-end. For learning front-end development, you will need to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript while for back-end, the essentials are Node.js, SQL and MongoDB.

What type of projects would I work on as a Web Developer?

As a web developer, you will often work on one-page layouts such as login authentication pages and product landing pages. The goal of web development projects is the transfer of static and dynamic content, both directly and indirectly to end users through various kinds of interfaces.

Does Thinkful teach these skills?

Thinkful offers a comprehensive Software Engineering bootcamp that is a fast-tracked, full-time program of online classes, mentorship, and career coaching. It offers all the skills, tools, and the support you need to become a highly paid full-stack web developer. If you’re after a more flexible option, the part-time version could be the one for you.
