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Top Web Development Skills

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:- Web Development

Top Web Development Skills


Learning web development involves mastering a variety of skills, tools and technologies, and it can be overwhelming when you’re just getting started. While it’s impossible to learn everything from one web developer class, there are some skills you can prioritize first to increase your chances of success.


HTML and CSS form the basis of most web development projects, making them an ideal starting point as you begin to learn coding skills.

HTML coding is responsible for how most websites function, while CSS handles the styling and appearance. Both are considered the industry standards for their respective purposes, so you should not avoid learning them if you want to become a developer, whether you want to work on the front or the back end. 


Once you feel reasonably confident with HTML and CSS, it’s time to learn how to increase website functionality and interactivity using JavaScript.

JavaScript gives programmers the ability to write features right into a website, such as videos, share buttons for social media and search bars, all of which are features that companies and users expect from websites. Think of these skills as a complement to your HTML knowledge: HTML creates the basics, while JavaScript boosts functionality. 


The jQuery library has a vast collection of extensions and plugins that will make development work on websites incredibly quick. For instance, you can use it to swap out multiple lines of JavaScript code for a single one, saving time initially as well as when you go back to check your code. 

Frameworks for CSS and JavaScript

Once you have foundational knowledge of CSS and JavaScript, take time to learn the frameworks for these programming languages. These collections of files are crucial for their ability to provide common functionality, essentially doing work for you. 

Make sure you learn now only how to use these frameworks but also evaluate them using your web development skills. This way, you can choose the framework that works best with your goal, whether you need to show all the content on a site or create a complex user interface. 


WordPress makes it incredibly easy to design and adjust websites, appealing to beginners as well as experienced developers. The platform has the ability to run tests to look for bugs, add plugins and edit your webpages seamlessly with minimal use of advanced development skills.

While WordPress is a popular web development platform, you will increase your chances of success if you are able to use others as well.


Photoshop makes it much easier for developers to stylize, edit and design their websites. As you work to be able to handle the basics of this software, you will become more familiar with coding and translating designs, as the process of mastering Photoshop will likely involve creating multiple mockup websites and is great practice for your evolving web development skills. 

Once you are working as a developer, you will use Photoshop to plan out your websites and then use your coding skills to translate the mockup into a live website. 

Responsive Design

Responsive design practices allow you to create a website that adapts to work perfectly with the device that it is viewed on, including desktops, smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. This contrasts with traditional web development of the past, which required front end developers to have the skills to create separate versions for mobile and desktop. 

Debugging and Testing

An error can occur at any time, so it’s crucial for you to know how to find those problems and fix them.  A San Francisco web developer class is likely to teach you best practices for functional and unit testing, but it’s equally important to hone them on your own. 

Analytical Skills

Not all of the top web development skills are related to specific technologies or programming languages; you also need analytical skills. These skills will be very helpful when it comes to resolving issues on your website and they will also play a role in creating a successful website that incorporates marketing techniques, since many of the analytical skills required for web development relate to appealing to consumers or website visitors. 

You should also familiarize yourself with some of the more common analytical tools, such as Google Analytics, SEMrush and MOZ Keyword Explorer. These analytical skills will supplement the tech-related skills you pick up at a San Francisco web developer class.


If you are considering front end development, make sure to focus on gaining search engine optimization (SEO) knowledge. SEO helps drive traffic to the website you design, and it involves efforts from both the marketing team and web developers.

Although many parts of SEO are related to content, which you will not necessarily play a role in as a web developer, multiple aspects incorporate your web development skills and the use of other programs. For example, you will need to understand how the SEO strategy influences the tags you place on WordPress posts. 

Always Strive to Increase Your Skills

As a web developer, the broader your skillset, the more marketable you will be. Although the abilities mentioned on this list are some of the top skills you should focus on when you’re first getting started, it’s important to continue learning and experimenting with new tools and programming languages. A San Francisco web developer class is a great opportunity to gain this training in an engaging format.

*Please note, these articles are for educational purposes and the topics covered may not be representative of the curriculum covered in our boot camp. Explore our curriculum to see what you’ll learn in our program
