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Top 10 Planning Skills of a Successful Event Manager

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Top 10 Planning Skills of a Successful Event Manager

Guest Author | November 3, 2015


Some event managers are born, others are made. Today, the field of event management has become much more streamlined and demands high professional standards from event experts. Therefore, it is important that event managers have and utilize a series of event planning skills to churn out successful events.

If you weren’t born with the traits of an event manager, you can always imbibe them by learning the necessary event planning skills that make a strong event planner.

Event planning careers often involve some form of training/education or certification. However, you do not always need formal education to start an event planner career. For those wanting to know how to become an event planner with no experience or learning how to get into event planning, this post highlights 10 event planner skills that every successful event manager possesses.

1. Interpersonal/People skills

Event planning careers are all about meeting and dealing with people. Within your event planner career, you should develop strong communication skills in order to relate more easily to people. Therefore, one of the most important event planning skills needed is sociability. Successful event managers have the ability to strike a chord with the people they meet and build lasting relationships with them.

They also tend to work well in teams and motivate them to work together and achieve the desired goal.

Good communication is high on their list of priorities. Whether it is communicating within the team or with clients, event managers can make their point in a clear and friendly manner.

2. Creative Bent of Mind

Typically, clients know what kind of event they want to organize but aren’t sure how to go about organizing it in a creative manner. This is when an event manager comes into the picture.

Event planning careers require creativity and savviness from an individual to cater to the needs of each client they work with. A client may want, for example, maximum coverage for his event by the media, and the event manager will be required to devise striking, practical, and affordable ideas to achieve that goal.

For the successful execution of these ideas and creating an impactful showcase event, he or she will need to have a robust network of public relations, marketing, advertising, and media professionals at their disposal.

3. Technology Wizard

Learning how to get into event planning means learning how to handle various tasks at once. Fortunately, there are event management software solutions and mobile apps available that may help to prioritize responsibilities and sort things out.

Whether it is the standard Microsoft Office suite or more sophisticated event management software and apps, a good event manager will know how to use these resources optimally. Even if not using an event management software or app, one of the keys to successful event management is letting the data you have collected guide your decision making process.

Get the four metrics driving event management software growth

4. Flexibility 

When you collaborate with numerous people, things can go awry or change with a moment’s notice. Being rigid will not work in such cases.

Event managers need to be flexible and either move with the tide or change course swiftly. One of the biggest challenges faced by event managers is to create amazing experiences despite constant inconsistencies, and often, pandemonium. Having the skill of flexibility allows event managers to always be on their toes and know when to make adjustments to events accordingly.

5. Organizational Skills

An effective event manager is like a choreographer who directs various elements and weaves them together in harmonious symphony. They possess superior event coordinator skills, making them masters at organization. These are crucial for a successful event.

Outstanding organizational skills are the backbone of balancing and managing people, schedules, vendors and more. When an individual has event coordinator skills, they must be well organized and have the ability to multitask.

6. Eye for Detail

Careers in event planning require an event manager to be detail-oriented on matters related to the success of an event. Along with being detailed-oriented, additional event planner skills that are preferable for an event manager include coordinating with other parties and speakers, or arranging audio-visual equipment, handouts and catering.

Further, he or she will keep a keen eye on expenditures. Most event managers work with a set budget and know that not all clients will be happy to loosen their purse strings because of overspending.

7. Leadership Skills 

Great event managers possess impressive leadership skills with an inherent quality to lead people. Such skills are crucial not only for a successful event, but to the success of the entire team. Learning how to become an event planner with no experience takes time, but can be accomplished more easily if an individual naturally possesses or develops strong leadership skills. Only a good leader can guide a team towards achieving their common goal and make the event a roaring success.

8. Enthusiasm and Passion

Careers in event planning can be extremely demanding. Oftentimes, event management can leave a team feeling drained, stressed and frustrated. An effective event manager can function as the energizer that the team needs to feel motivated to work long hours and even weekends, when required.

It is, therefore, necessary for an event manager to be enthusiastic and passionate about his work, and possess the zeal to overcome obstacles and deliver the goods. He needs to see the job through till the end and create an extraordinary experience for both clients and guests.

9. Time Management Skills

An event manager always has a lot to do. However, there may not always be enough time to accommodate everything. Therefore, time management is an important event coordinator skill to possess.

A competent event manager knows how to make the best use of their time by multitasking. At the same time, they also allot slots of time in the day to focus solely on a particular project.

An event manager manages not only their own time, but the team’s time as well; Understanding that event management is all about planning and re-planning.

10. Impactful Persona

Event planning careers are perfect for individuals with a passion for quality and precision. A proficient event manager knows how to make an impact in front of clients and guests. They are always well-dressed and groomed to perfection, knowing that first impressions are often the last, and that there is a reputation to maintain. Careers in event planning require individuals with a certain charisma and charm and who don’t take their appearance for granted.

Event Planning Skills Lead to Careers

Managing events can be tricky, but successful event managers know the ropes well and always manage to turn things around, if things don’t go according to plan. They’re spontaneous and well-prepared to deal with situations that can potentially get out of hand. Their ability to stay calm under pressure and be the voice of reason are attributes that make them great at what they do.

With the appropriate event planning skills, event managers are able to successfully network with attendees, make their events run successfully, and capitalize on potential leads, when applicable. By utilizing these event planner skills, you can be on your way to a successful event planner career. Even if you’re learning how to become an event planner with no experience or simply how to get into event planning, you can take note of these event coordinator skills and successfully host events.

What other traits do you think are necessary to be a successful event manager? Leave your tips below for the event planners of tomorrow!

About the Author
Brian Zeng is the Chief Marketing Officer of OwnOnly, an online menswear boutique that provides custom-tailored business and casual suits. You can connect with him on twitter @brianzengdotme

*This post was edited by Aventri for 2018


This Post was Written by Guest Author
