The Video Production Process Explained In 8 Simple Steps

WOW Video Production
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In this short video I will go through and explain the 8 key steps of the video production process, so that you can get a solid overview of what’s involved. The great thing is, that if you’re fully briefed on what's involved and what to expect you can successfully manage the project and keep your workload to a minimum. The first and arguably most important step is the Pre-production consultation. This is where as a Producer, we find out everything about your business, your market place, your competition and crucially… what you want to achieve with the video. As the client you don’t need to know exactly what you want and how to achieve it.  The consultation process is very much about helping you establish what you want, along with advice and guidance on how best to achieve it. Script writing is the next stage, and it’s the script which is ultimately responsible for the success of your video, which is why it’s so important. The pre-production consultation will have given us all we need to set about writing the script for you, so all you will need to do, is review and provide feedback when you see the first draft.  After the script, a storyboard is produced to illustrate what will be on screen to accompany each section of script. This can include hand drawn illustrations, text and graphic examples as well as written descriptions for what is seen or happening. The point of the storyboard is to establish, and let you visualise exactly what your video will look like before filming starts. If your video requires a voice over, this is recorded next. If you haven’t seen it already - make sure you watch our other video : How To Make Sure You Choose Exactly The Right Voice Over Artist For Your Video. Next will be the production of graphics and animation, and this is something which you will want to make sure you get right first time, or with the minimal amount of changes.  This is because animation has to be produced following a very specific ordered process, and anything other than minor tweaks can very easily incur significant additional expenditure. I’ll provide a deeper explanation of the management of graphics and animation in a separate video. The last stage of pre-production is to make filming arrangements for locations, crew, and any hired talent such as presenters and actors. Actual filming is certainly the most exciting part of the process and as the client in the role of Executive Producer, if at all possible, you absolutely should be there, to be a part of making the whole process come to life, and to see the production take shape. And finally, editing is the last major part of the production process. This is where all of the component parts of the video are put together in line with the storyboard to deliver exactly what was planned. Other smaller refinements such as subtitling, plus the addition of music if required, are also taken care of during this final stage. Hopefully that’s given you a nice overview what’s involved.  If you would like a more detailed and complete understanding of how to successfully manage video production projects, for a limited time, you can claim a free copy of my book in paperback, audiobook, kindle or PDF. To claim your free copy, visit the link below.
