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The Beginner’s Guide to Advertising on Facebook - Mike Gingerich

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The Beginner’s Guide to Advertising on Facebook



Since its incorporation in 2004, Facebook has become not only the most popular social network in the world. In fact, it boasts 1.56 billion daily users. However, it is also one of the leading platforms businesses across the globe use to promote their products and services.

Given its vast number of users and the fact they spend a lot of time on the social media app, it’s no surprise that more and more organizations are using Facebook Ads. If you are considering doing the same thing, then look no further, as below is a beginner’s guide to advertising on Facebook.

Different Types of Facebook Ad 

Firstly, you will need to decide which type of ad you would like to use. These include: 

  • Image Ads 

Not much explanation is needed here. Though these ads are usually quite simple, they can also be incredibly effective at directing traffic from the news feed to your website or page. 

  • Video Ads

Video ads are incredibly useful. They allow you to convey a lot of information about your business in a short space of time. Not to mention, video ads also lead to more conversions. They also tend to be the more sought-after route when it comes to marketing.

  • Carousel Ads 

These are a great way to upload a lot of information about your business in a short space of time. They allow you to post 10 images or videos at once. This allows you to showcase your business, which means you can focus on different aspects of one particular item. Or, give an in-depth overview as to what your business does.

  • Interactive Ads

In a recent announcement by Mark Zuckerberg, it was confirmed that Facebook will be focusing more on creating interactive ads for their customers.

For instance, were you to advertise for an online gambling company, you could upload some interactive slots that people could spin. They would then be redirected towards your site to claim whatever it is they have won. This is great for organizations such as Royal Vegas who offer a huge range of different online gambling games at

  • Messenger Ads 

A lot of people use Facebook as a means to message their friends and loved ones. You are now able to take out Facebook Messenger Ads so your product will come up in their list of messages.

How To Advertise on Facebook 

Actually advertising on Facebook is incredibly straightforward. Once you go to Facebook Ads Manager, you will then need to click the campaign tab. Follow this by clicking 'create' in order to get started with your new campaign.

1. Choose an objective 

Essentially, when you go to create an ad, Facebook will give you the option to choose an objective. This will state exactly what you want to accomplish with your ad. It can include the likes of building brand awareness, increasing reach, driving traffic, and installing apps. Whichever you pick will affect the ad you end up creating so it is important to get it right.

2. Complete Campaign Details 

You will need to fill in details about your campaign. This includes the likes of declaring whether your ad fits into a specific category, the name of your campaign, your budget, and schedule.

3. Target Your Audience 

One of the main advantages of advertising on Facebook is the fact that you can choose your audience. This means that you will make selections on who sees your ads depending on age, location, and what their interests are. This means that the people who end up seeing your ads are more likely to engage with your business as a result. 

4. Create Your Ad

Facebook comes with an array of different templates that are easy to use when creating your ad. This means it will be incredibly easy for you to put together your ad in a way that captures what your business does and why you stand out

