SQLite - Alter a Table
SQLite supports a limited subset of the SQL standard ALTER TABLE statement.
In SQLite, the ALTER TABLE command allows the user to rename a table or to add a new column to an existing table.
Add a Column
The ADD COLUMN syntax is used to add a new column to an existing table.
Let's add a column to the Artists table:
And then check the table with the .schema command:
sqlite> .schema ArtistsCREATE TABLE Artists(ArtistId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ArtistName TEXT NOT NULL, Bio TEXT);
The following restrictions apply when using the ADD COLUMN syntax in SQLite:
- The column may not have a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint.
- The column may not have a default value of CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, or an expression in parentheses.
- If a NOT NULL constraint is specified, then the column must have a default value other than NULL.
- If foreign key constraints are enabled and a column with a REFERENCES clause is added, the column must have a default value of NULL.
Rename a Table
The RENAME TO syntax allows you to change the name of a table.
Let's rename one of our tables:
RENAME TO Albums1;
And check it with a .tables command:
sqlite> .tablesAlbums1 Artists
Now, any further operations will need to use the new name of the table. So we can select data like this:
SELECT AlbumName, Year
FROM Artists AS a INNER JOIN Albums1 AS r
ON a.ArtistId = r.ArtistId
WHERE a.ArtistName = 'Joe Satriani';
AlbumName Year-------------------- --------------------------------------------------Surfing with the Ali 1987Flying in a Blue Dre 1989Black Swans and Worm 2010
Updating or Dropping Columns
SQLite does not support clauses such as DROP COLUMN, ALTER COLUMN, and ADD CONSTRAINT, which are part of the SQL standard.
However, there are other ways of doing these things with SQLite.
Alter a Column
Say we want to change the name of the Year column to ReleaseDate. Also, we want to remove the NOT NULL restriction.
To do this, you can create a new table (with the new column definition), populate the table with the data from the old table, then once complete, delete the old table and rename the new one to reflect the original name.
Create the New Table
First, create the new table (notice ReleaseDate instead of Year).
ReleaseDate TEXT,
FOREIGN KEY(ArtistId) REFERENCES Artists(ArtistId)
So we now have the following tables in our database:
sqlite> .tablesAlbums Albums1 Artists
Insert Data
Then insert the data from the old table.
Use an INSERT statement that selects data from the old table and inserts it into the new table. Like this:
INSERT INTO Albums (AlbumId, AlbumName, ReleaseDate, ArtistId)
SELECT AlbumId, AlbumName, Year, ArtistId
FROM Albums1;
Verify that the data was inserted into the new table:
sqlite> SELECT * FROM Albums;AlbumId AlbumName ReleaseDate ArtistId-------- ------------------------------- ----------- ----------1 Killers 1981 72 Powerslave 1984 73 Surfing with the Alien 1987 14 Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing 1995 115 Yummy Yummy 1994 176 Out of the Loop 2007 67 Suck on This 1989 138 Pork Soda 1993 139 Sailing the Seas of Cheese 1991 1310 Flying in a Blue Dream 1989 111 Black Swans and Wormhole Wizard 2010 112 Somewhere in Time 1986 713 Big Red Car 1995 17
Drop the Old Table
Now that the new table has been created and populated with the data, we have the choice of removing the old table, modifying it, or leaving it as is.
Let's leave it for now, we'll remove it later.
Drop a Column
To drop a column, you can create a table from a SELECT statement. In the SELECT statement, omit the column/s that you want dropped — SQLite will create only those columns that are included in the SELECT statement.
SELECT AlbumId, AlbumName, ArtistId
FROM Albums1;
And then check to see that the data has successfully been inserted into the new table:
sqlite> select * from Albums2;AlbumId AlbumName ArtistId-------- ------------------------------- ----------1 Killers 72 Powerslave 73 Surfing with the Alien 14 Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing 115 Yummy Yummy 176 Out of the Loop 67 Suck on This 138 Pork Soda 139 Sailing the Seas of Cheese 1310 Flying in a Blue Dream 111 Black Swans and Wormhole Wizard 112 Somewhere in Time 713 Big Red Car 17
So we now have the following tables in our database:
sqlite> .tablesAlbums Albums1 Albums2 Artists