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Saving all the worksheets in a workbook - MS-Excel Tutorial

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Saving all the worksheets in a workbook

When you save an entire workbook containing several sheets of data, Excel saves all the data on each sheet. If you then open the new HTML file in Internet Explorer, the Web page retains its original sheet structure and layout.

For example a Web page created from an Excel workbook that contains two worksheets (Total Sales and Qtr1) plus a single chart sheet (Total Sale Bar Chart). When Excel converted this workbook to HTML, it retained the original three-sheet layout, which is then reproduced when the Web page is opened in Internet Explorer. For this example, I clicked the Total Sale Bar Chart sheet tab to display the first part of the chart saved on its own chart sheet in the original Excel workbook.

To display the table of data on the Qtr1 sheet or Total Sales sheet, you simply click its tab in Internet Explorer. You can also page through the sheets in the HTML file by using the buttons shown to the immediate left of the first sheet tab:

  • The Next Sheet (>) button displays the next sheet.
  • The Previous Sheet (<) button displays the previous sheet.
  • The First Sheet (>>) button to displays the very first sheet.
  • The Last Sheet (>) button displays the very last sheet of the file in the browser window.
