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SAP : Skills Required
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Posted onSeptember 21, 2013 12 minute read

SAP: Skills Required!

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This blogs describes about SAP.  SAP denotes Skill Assessment Points.



Skill is the ability to do something special in our daily personal & official work. Everyone are not born with skills in Birth. We will daily learn new skills as we go along throughout our life and work experience. Skill can be simple or difficult and everybody will come across throughout our life in personal life, schooling, work experience and community activities. Skill will be vary from person to person. Also Skill play a vital part in current technologies.

“Skill is the gateway to your career growth”.


Therefore, you must know about your skills as clearly as possible. An individual’s unique set of skills is one of the many aspects of your career Growth.


Identifying Your Skills:


First and Foremost every one should identify and communication your skills to a potential employer.


“Human Resources are buying from us when they hire us”


Our skill gives clear picture about us and if we have the necessary background and related experience to do a good job. Human Resources basically look at three types of skills: Job-related, Transferable, and Self-management. These skills came across in our life, our work, and in our educational experiences.    


Job Skill:


Job Skills also called as Work skills. SAP Architect, for example, needs many job skills to succeed, like the ability to:


  • Design projects
  • Analyze data
  • Make presentations
  • Read Blueprints

If you are familiar with “language” of skills, you can easily communicate with anyone by understanding, describing, and discussing them. This happens when you:


  • Write Curriculum Vitae
  • Go Through about Job Opening
  • Go for a Job Interview
  • Interact with you Superiors
  • Request for a Salary Raise and Band Promotion
  • Change your Internal Jobs (Career Growth)
  • Read and Update New Skills
  • Implement it in New Project

Job Related Skill:


Job related skill is the deals with how you handled data, people, things and ideas


Data: This includes numbers of any sort (percentages, volume, area, frequency, measurements, lengths of time, monetary value, etc.). Also data include specifications, codes, surveys, drawing interpretations or any other type of research or data based information. People: There are two queries to ask ourselves when evaluating our people skills. Exactly what types of people were you involved (superiors, clients, vendors)  Things: Every job or work uses some type of mechanism like tool, machine, or piece of equipment.

“I’m not a fan of reality shows, but I am a fan of people who use their skills”


Communication Skill:


Each and every one should have excellent communication skills. Communication skills include the ability to communicate your vision, plan or instructions to others in a manner that they understand. Also, everyone should be able to listen well. Sending and receiving messages accurately is essential to good communication. If you are not able to explain about company targets and goals, as well as the tasks to reach the goals, it will be difficult to be an effective communication skill person. In addition, poor communication skills can cause conflict within a team.



Writing Skill:


Good writing skills will helps us to communicate our message with good clarity to our larger people in our group. If you have good writing skills then there is no need to use face to face or telephone conversations. With the help of good writing skills, every one can save time and money. Good writer can easily expect doors to open within few hours.


“Always good writers are better at selling products, ideas, and themselves than poor writers”.

Listening Skill:


Listening skills is very essential today and which can lead to better customer satisfaction, greater productivity with fewer mistakes, more appreciation after transition, increased sharing of information that in turn can lead to more creative and innovative work. Using listening skills we can grasp more information faster than reading the book.



Public Speaking Skill:


Public speaking skill is the ability to speak clearly, positively and forcefully in front of audience. Whether an audience of one or thousand audience, it is one of the most important skills that anyone can develop. People who are effective speakers and who have the confidence to speak come across this category. They are more comfortable with themselves, more confident and more attractive to be around. Being able to speak effectively means you can sell anything – products, of course, but also ideas, ideologies, worldviews. And yourself – which means more opportunities for career advancement, bigger clients, or business funding.

Verbal Communication Skill:


In our work environment, we need to be able to clearly understand and concisely communication with our colleagues, clients and superiors. This is very essential and plays an important role while evaluating during our initial interview with our HR (Hiring Manager). HR can easily judge an employee who is well talented, reliable resources, whether employee takes initiative. HR can find out easily with the help of verbal communication skills whether the person is a Hard Worker or Smart Worker. In my point of view, I think Verbal communication skill play an vital role in clearing most of the interviews.


Customer Interaction Skill:


Customer Interaction Skill is the skill to interact good with clients. If you are not performing good job for the first chance and you will not get second chance to prove it.


“First impression is the best impression towards client is very essential”


5 Ways to Improve Your Customer Interactions:


  • Smile and Use valuable Courtesies
  • Resolve client queries Efficiently
  • Update customers up to date
  • Provide Quick Resolution
  • Receive Client Satification & Appreciation


Functional Skill:


This skill is essential skill to run a business, every one should understand the business process before beginning or after completing the project. To run a successful business you need a diverse range of functional skills.




Technical Skill:


Technical skill is the combination of mathematical, engineering, scientific, accounting and computer related.  It is the skill which requires knowledge and ability to achieve specific task as well as other duties. some of the few technical skills related to software are delivarable skill, development skill, testing skill and production supporting skills.



Searching Skill:


This skill required effective searching skill. If you require any information much faster and quicker to resolve any issue, you need to implement this skill. If you are not sure about your answer to a particular question, immediate action should be taken. This type of activity is called searching skill.




Proactive Skill:


Using this skill we can act in advance to deal with an expected difficulty. Such type of skill is known as “Proactive Skill” and this skill plays very important role in SAP production support.




Documentation Writing Skill:


A document tells somebody something. As the writer, you have to decide what to tell and how best to tell it to the particular audience; you must consider the reader. In relation to a project, documentation provides a means to clarify and explain on-going development, and to plan the next stages.


Hands-on Experience Skill:


Hands-on experiences are a critical part of career exploration and skill building. It utilize their language skills, they must have experiences interesting enough to talk about the subject.




Time Management Skill:


It involves in managing our energy and attention. Inform your superiors to set priorities and ask them to advise us on operational goals.



Interpersonal Skill:


The set of abilities enabling a person to interact positively and work effectively with others. Development of the interpersonal skills of employees is a key goal of training and development initiatives for many companies, and is considered a constructive manner in which to handle office disputes and other personnel issues. These skills include the areas of communication, listening, delegation of tasks and leadership.




Team Work Skill:


Team work skill is the ability to work in a group or team in effective manner is key to success on any work environment. We always need to be in group and team to complete the work and this will help every one to complete the work much faster and effective. Single person cannot perform this activity and only it will be in a group. Everyone should have solid communication skills (including listening & writing) and this helps to maintain a good commitment to the whole team and you can also raise voice anytime and anywhere. Any one who is a team player can voice your opinion any time during team meeting or discussion.



Motivated Skill:


Motivated skills are those who enjoy working and make others happy. If any one enjoys his/her work and they will motivate others to do the same style. Always thinking of an achievements and accomplishments. Motivated people will run for their targets and goals.


Good motivated experience we have had – whether related to work or not. Then, we need to write down or tell someone about this:


  • What we did?
  • How we did it?
  • When we did?

Most of the motivated people will be describing their motivated skills to new comers. These will help to think about our career direction and doing what you enjoy doing.




Critical Thinking Skill:


All the managers in our organization would be having critical thinking.  It helps each and every manager to check or examine information objectively rather than subjectively. Managers are the right person who should have the capacity to study each and every situation in our daily official life. They think differently and also think critically about all the possible outcomes to make good decisions for better development.



Decision Making Skill:


Managers use to understand about his team and team members. He/She must be able to analysis and examine exact information given to them by their team leader or project leader. With the help of the feedback, he can make out the situation and use that information to make a final decision. Yearly review and rating is an big example for that. Whenever he receives information from team leaders or project leaders, he/she is having the ability to quantify the given information to make a good final decision.




Delegation Skill:


Every manager should have clear knowledge and understanding about each and every task that he or she is doing. Manager is the person who plays a major role in assigning work in any given task for the right person at the right time. Team members weaknesses and strengths can be categorized and clearly understand by managers. Also they can assure that each member of the team were attending proper training in regular intervals with appropriate tasks involved. Managers can easily find out who is over planned and who is successfully completed the project or given task within the scheduled time.




Self Management Skill:


Another name for self management skill is soft skill. This skill clearly shows our personality and also it will be judged our personality will fits the personality of the company or not, the bosses and the co-workers. Human resources would rather hire a fresher with excellent self-management skills than an experienced person who might cause several problems to the company.



Idea Skill:


Personally I like Idea skill because it is one of the most overlooked parts of people’s evaluation of their own work, achievements, innovations and educational experience. If you have any idea in your mind, please come up with a excellent idea to make the job easier, safer and more profitable. With the help of idea skill we can list out all the ideas that we have used in our various projects or in our various jobs. I request each and every one to learn new topics and share new ideas. It will definitely help our future universe.


  • Ideas on Work
  • Ideas on Personal
  • Ideas on Education
  • Ideas on Achievements


Innovation Skill:


Always believe in you and make yourself a promise that you will try, do and complete it. This will motivate you to become more innovative and you will have started being innovative. It is easy way to find out innovative guys because they always look differently and see if things can be done in better way. Innovative people are always challenging in nature and you can freshen up your creative juices and experience new things yourself.




Initiative Skill:


Initiative means ability to take immediate action.  Other than job description, if you are contributing something for your colleague, team, organization and outside world. It’s important to convey your passion for the organization and its success by offering expertise on upcoming projects or volunteering for specific tasks that interest you. If any one volunteers and ready to share any idea or information which benefits to any one or company or outside world. This kind of activity is called Initiative Skill.


  • Sharing knowledge, Idea and Innovations
  • Training has helped new comers / freshers
  • Creating documentation and templates
  • Write-up about technical and functional issues



Numeracy Skill:


Numeracy skills are not just for mathematicians, scientists, accountants and the tax man, many professions require at least a basic level of understanding when it comes to numeracy and mathematics. Take some time to develop your numeracy skills. All of these skills will help you to analyze data more effectively – and more quickly – and to make better decisions based on it.


  • More Effective
  • More Quicker
  • Make Better Decisions


Historio: IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator


Problem Solving Skill:


We need to think and display an ability to take a logical/analytical approach to solve/resolve problems & issues. Its always good idea to show that we can approach various problems from different angles and ways.




Foundation Skill:


Foundation can be referred in different ways like basis, first, starting, beginning or ground work of any skill means foundation skill.There are four groups of foundation skill: Basic, People, Thinking, and Personal Qualities. They are subdivided into marketable/unmarketable and transferable.



Marketable / Unmarketable Skill:


If you do better marketing, definitely you will get the credit. Marketable skills are those an employer will pay you to perform. Where as unmarketable skills include things like driving a car or a unique skill that only your current employer uses. Could you please tell me who will pay to drive a car? Not many of them.




Transferable Skill:


Transferable skills transferring your knowledge or information from one type of work to another type of work without much training from the employer of an organization.



Networking Skill:


Most of the people think networking is finding jobs openings or clients. Not really! With the help of networking skill every one can creates the channel through with ideas flows and in which new ideas created as well as shared. With the help of new networks we can develop our skill and post new ideas. Also it will help for new comers to learn about new development and technologies.




Analytical skill :

We should first understand and possess the ability to visualize the things, articulate and resolve critical issues and concepts. It included the ability to use logic, design and test solutions to each and every problems in any project. This will help them to formulate plans to resolve various issues and queries in a best manner.




Personal Skill:


Personal skill deals with Personal development in our life.It is lifelong process which enables people to assess their skills and qualities, to consider their aims in life and to set goals which will help them to maximize their potential.




Emotional intelligence Skill:


Emotional intelligence can be broken down into several categories: Social skills, Social awareness, Self-awareness, and Self-management. Another highly sought after skill or quality in candidates is emotional intelligence. This can be defined as the measure of one’s ability to understand and deal with their own emotions, the emotions of others and how to properly act on those emotions.



Other Language Skill:


If you know more than one language and if you have good fluency in more than one language it is definitely considered as other language skill. It is very vital skill and most of the companies are now looking this type of skill for interacting with various clients and customers.


