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Retail Store Operations

Prachi Juneja
management study guide
Related Topic
:- retail sales Organizational Skills

Retail Store Operations


Store Atmosphere

The store must offer a positive ambience to the customers for them to enjoy their shopping and leave with a smile.

  • The store should not give a cluttered look.
  • The products should be properly arranged on the shelves according to their sizes and patterns. Make sure products do not fall off the shelves.
  • There should be no foul smell in the store as it irritates the customers.
  • The floor, ceiling, carpet, walls and even the mannequins should not have unwanted spots.
  • Never dump unnecessary packing boxes, hangers or clothes in the dressing room. Keep it clean.
  • Make sure the customers are well attended.
  • Don’t allow customers to carry eatables inside the store.

Cash Handling

  • One of the most important aspects of retailing is cash handling.
  • It is essential for the retailer to track the daily cash flow to calculate the profit and loss of the store.
  • Cash Registers, electronic cash management system or an elaborate computerized point of sale (POS) system help the retailer to manage the daily sales and the revenue generated.

Prevent Shoplifting/Safety and Security

  • The merchandise should not be displayed at the entry or exit of the store.
  • Do not allow customers to carry more than three dresses at one time to the trial room.
  • Install CCTVs and cameras to keep a close watch on the customers.
  • Each and every merchandise should have a security tag.
  • Ask the individuals to submit carry bags at the security.
  • Make sure the sales representative handle the products carefully.
  • Clothes should not have unwanted stains or dust marks as they lose appeal and fail to impress the customers.
  • Install a generator for power backup and to avoid unnecessary black outs.
  • Keep expensive products in closed cabinets.
  • Instruct the children not to touch fragile products.
  • The customers should feel safe inside the store.

Customer Service

  • Customers are assets of the retail business and the retailer can’t afford to lose even a single customer.
  • Greet customers with a smile.
  • Assist them in their shopping.
  • The sales representatives should help the individuals buy merchandise as per their need and pocket.
  • The retailer must not oversell his products to the customers. Let them decide on their own.
  • Give the individual an honest and correct feedback. If any particular outfit is not looking good on anyone, tell him the truth and suggest him some better options.
  • Never compromise on quality of products. Remember one satisfied customer brings five more individuals to the store. Word of mouth plays an important role in Brand Promotion.

Refunds and Returns

  • Formulate a concrete refund policy for your store.
  • The store should have fixed timings for exchange of merchandise.
  • Never exchange products in lieu of cash.
  • Never be rude to the customer, instead help him to find something else.

Visual Merchandising

  • The position of dummies should be changed frequently.
  • There should be adequate light in the store. Change the burned out lights immediately.
  • Don’t stock unnecessary furniture at the store.
  • Choose light and subtle colours for the walls to set the mood of the walk-ins.
  • Make sure the signage displays all the necessary information about the store and is installed at the right place visible to all.
  • The customers should be able to move and shop freely in the store.
  • The retail store should be well ventilated.

Training Program

  • The store manager must conduct frequent training programs for the sales representatives, cashier and other team members to motivate them from time to time.
  • It is the store manager’s responsibility to update his subordinates with the latest softwares in retail or any other developments in the industry.
  • It is the store manager’s responsibility to collate necessary reports (sales as well as inventory) and send to the head office on a daily basis.

Inventory and Stock Management

  • The retailer must ensure to manage inventory to avoid being “out of stock”.
  • Every retail chain should have its own warehouse to stock the merchandise.
  • Take adequate steps to prevent loss of inventory and stock.
