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PHP Operators

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PHP Operators


A quick rundown on the operators available in PHP.

PHP operators are characters (or sets of characters) that perform a special operation within the PHP code. For example, when you use the equals sign ( = ) to assign a value to a variable, you are using an assignment operator. When you add two numbers together using a plus sign ( + ), you are using an arithmetic operator.

Here's a list of the various PHP operators:

Artithmetic Operators

OperatorDescription+Addition-Subtraction*Multiplication/Division%Modulus (remainder of a division)++Increment--Decrement

Assignment Operator

OperatorDescription=Assign+=Increments, then assigns-=Decrements, then assigns*=Multiplies, then assigns/=Divides, then assigns%=Modulus, then assigns

Comparison Operators

OperatorDescription==Is equal to!=Is not equal to>Greater than>=Greater than or equal to<Less than<=Less than or equal to

Logical Operators

OperatorDescription&&And operator. Performs a logical conjunction on two expressions (if both expressions evaluate to True, result is True. If either expression evaluates to False, result is False)||Or operator. Performs a logical disjunction on two expressions (if either or both expressions evaluate to True, result is True).!Not operator. Performs logical negation on an expression.

Concatenation Operators

OperatorDescription.Concatenate (join two strings together)
