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Sheikh Qazzafi
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  • September 2019



Sheikh Qazzafi

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The study focused on consumer buying behaviour process. The purpose of this study is to know the process or pattern of a consumer for buying a product, which either be a high involvement product or low involvement product. The approach used in the study is qualitative. The data collection for this study is secondary data. The limitation of this research is no empirical data used which support the research. The conclusion of this study is consumer purchase the products when the need arises, and the consumer uses all five stages of consumer buying decision making process during purchase of high involvement or costly products while the probability of skipping one or more than one stages are more in low involvement or daily usage products.

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019

Available at

ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 130






The study focused on consumer buying behaviour process. The purpose of this study is to know the

process or pattern of a consumer for buying a product, which either be a high involvement product or low

involvement product. The approach used in the study is qualitative. The data collection for this study is

secondary data. The limitation of this research is no empirical data used which support the research. The

conclusion of this study is consumer purchase the products when the need arises, and the consumer uses

all five stages of consumer buying decision making process during purchase of high involvement or costly

products while the probability of skipping one or more than one stages are more in low involvement or

daily usage products.

Keywords —Consumer, Purchase, Product, Consumer buying behaviour process



The understanding of consumer behaviour is a

success key to the business organizations.

Consumer behaviour is the study of how a customer,

or a group of customers select, buy, use, and

dispose ideas towards the products or services in

order to satisfy their needs and wants (Chand, n.d.).

The personalized marketing analysed the pattern of

buying behaviour of a consumer. After the analysed

of personalized behaviour, the prediction of future

trend can be done easily (Kumar, John, &Senith,

2014). According to Engel, Blackwell, and Mansard,

“consumer behaviour is the actions and decision

processes of people who purchase goods and

services for personal consumption”.According to

Louden and Bitta, “consumer behaviour is the

decision process and physical activity, which

individuals engage in when evaluating, acquiring,

using or disposing of goods and services” (Chand,

n.d.).According to Lerne, “Consumer behaviour

involves the study of how people--either

individually or in groups--acquire, use, experience,

discard, and make decisions about goods, services,

or even lifestyle practices such as socially

responsible and healthy eating” (Perner, n.d.). The

five stages are in the consumer buying decision

process areProblem recognition, Information search,

Evaluation of alternatives, Purchase decision, and

post-purchase behaviour.


Why the people buy a product or brand?

How the people buy a product or brand?

Does any pattern/process for choosing a product or

specific brand of product?


The term consumer behaviour is broadly wide. The

consumer behaviour is always an interesting topic

among the researchers or scholars. In this paper, the

study is only about the consumer buying process,

but further study can be done on other related topics

of consumer behaviour such as factor behind the

influenced of consumer buying behaviour. The

further study can be done by applying this

theoretical process into practical. The study can be




International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019

Available at

ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 131

done on an industry or a product/brand. The

empirical research also considers for the further

study on this topic. This process is only about the

buying decision of consumer further study can be

done on the buying behaviour of consumer at

digital platform.


This study is concerned with the consumer buying

decision process. In this paper, author tried to find

out the process behind the consumer decision

making towards the products. The study focused on

consumer decision making process. The study

began with the research questions why, how and

which process people/consumer purchase the goods

or services.

The research is completely theoretical, no primary

data used in this study. The study follows the

qualitative approach. The collection of data in this

paper is secondary data such as books, websites,

blogs, published papers and research journals

articles. Initially, the 60 articles/books/blogs

included in this research but during the scrutiny 15

articles/books/blogs were deducted. So, the only 45

articles/books/blogs considered in this research and

15 wrote as a reference in the bibliography. The

study based on existing theories.


Consumer behaviour is a broadly study field.

Consumer behaviour is the study for explaining the

consumer why, what, when and how buy a product

or a brand (Kumar, John, &Senith, 2014).The

understanding of consumer buying behaviour

completely is still impossible because it is related

very closely to human mind. However, the

understanding of consumer buying behaviour on

digital platform quite possible through several

analytical software. But completely understanding

of consumer buying behaviour are still impossible.

Consumer behaviour is a behaviour towards

purchasing of goods. Every person wants to satisfy

its needs. Needs is a part of human life. For

satisfying the need, a person goes to the market for

buy the goods in exchange of money. The

understanding of consumer behaviour is an

important part of marketer. Consumer

behaviour is the study of how people make

decisions about what they purchase. The behaviour

can be pre-purchase and post-purchase. It also helps

companies to identify the opportunities.


It is vital to know the consumer buying decision

process. The consumer buying decision process are

the decision-making processes begin by the

consumer to buy the goods or services in exchange

of money in the market before, during and after the

purchase of goods or services (Lumen, n.d.).It helps

the seller/marketer for selling its goods or services

in the market. If the marketer successful to

understand the consumer behavior according to the

consumer buying decision process towards the

goods or services, then it may successful for selling

its goods or services. Fig. 1 shows consumer buying

decision-making process step-by-step. The

consumer buying decision process consists of five

stages Problem recognition, Information search,

Evaluation of alternatives, Purchase decision, and

post-purchase behavior. It shows that how a

consumer start thinks before to buy a product. The

buyer can use all five stages during decision

making process towards a product. Perhaps, the

buyer can also skip the one or more stages, it’s all

depends on consumer mind (Kotler at el. 2017, p.

155.). Every human has different mind to other

humans. For instance; A person buying his/her

regular brand of milk every day when the need

arises. So, the chances of skipping information and

evaluation are more as compare to the highly

involvement products. Basically, it depends on the

human nature. But in case of buying a car where

involvement is high. When the consumer going to

buy a car, then the customer can’t skip any step out

of five. (Kotler at el. 2017, p. 155.) This process

works especially for new purchase or highly

involvement of consumer purchase. Some

companies focus on understand the consumer

experience in learning, choosing, using and

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019

Available at

ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 132

disposing of the product. (Kotler & Keller 2016, p.


Fig. 1 Consumer buying behavior process (Dulce Alonso's

Marketing Portfolio)

Need recognition

It is the first stage of consumer buying decision

process. It is also known as “Problem recognition”.

It starts with the basic need like air, water, food and

shelter. It may also start with a step ahead of basic

need (Kotler & Keller 2016, p. 195; Kotler at el.

2017, p. 155-156.). The company should

understand the consumer need and focus on to

satisfy it (Shma, 2012). In the need recognition, the

companies can find out the need of the consumer

and creates marketing strategies (Kotler & Keller

2016, p. 195; Kotler at el. 2017, p. 155-156.). For

instance; a person is hungry then the food is its

desire, but a good food may satisfy it. So, the

company should focus on to satisfy the need of

consumer. After this stage, the next stage is

information search.

Information search

It is the second stage of consumer decision-making

process. When a consumer goes to the market for

buying goods or services then consumer recall

his/her thinking towards the product, if the past-

experience positive or good and consumer satisfied

then consumer buy that product and search of

information end itself. But the past-experience

negative or not good then the consumer begins the

information of search of that product. The

consumer also searches the information of the

product when he/she want to try new product

(Clow& Baack 2016, p.76). The consumer begins

search about the product in this stage through

several sources. The Kotler stated that “Consumer

can obtain information from any of several

sources. These include personal sources (family,

friends, neighbours, acquaintances), commercial

sources (advertising, sales people, dealer and

manufacturer, web and mobile sites, packaging,

displays), public sources (mass media, consumer

rating organization, social media, online searchers

and peer reviews) and experimental sources

(examining and using the product)” (Kotler at el.

2017, p. 156.). For instance; if a person wants to

buy a smartphone then the person gives more

attention to the smartphone ads, he can get the input

from family or friends and he also gets the

information regularly regarding the smartphone.

Evaluation of alternatives

This is the third stage of consumer buying decision-

making process. It comes after the information

search which is the second stage of buying

decision-making process. When a consumer

collects the information of a product or a brand then

the consumer ranks the product or brand and then

next step is evaluate it. For ex; a consumer wants to

buy a car then he/she will collect information about

the car brand after collecting the prefer brand,

he/she will evaluate from the alternative brands.

It is difficult to understand the consumer behavior,

but the marketers focus on some step such as first-

consumer want to fulfill it needs & wants and

second- consumer want to more benefit from the

selective brand. (Kotler & Keller 2016, p. 197). If

the companies understand the evaluation process of

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019

Available at

ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 133

consumer then the companies can take the benefit

from the consumer evaluation of alternatives


Purchase decision

This is the fourth stage of consumer buying

decision-making process. The consumer has

decided to buy a product after collecting

information from several sources, evaluate it and

decided for the where to purchase and what to

purchase. Consumer purchase the brand or product

which he/she gives the highest rank in the

evaluation stage. The purchase decision also

influenced by the surrounding environment.

Post-purchase decision

The post-purchase decision is the fifth and last

stage of consumer buying decision-making process.

The companies work doesn’t stop if the customer

buys a product. The companies should know the

behaviour or view of the consumer towards the

products. After the use of the product, the customer

might be satisfied or dissatisfied. If the consumer

satisfied, then the chances of retention are more of

the same product and satisfied consumer can also

influence the other people to buy the product. The

chances of increasing the loyalty of consumer

towards the product are maximum and if the

consumer become loyal towards the product then

the chances of retention of product are maximum

by the satisfied consumer. If the consumer retains

the product then the sales of the product increases,

if the sales of the product increase then the overall

aim of the company getting profit will achieve.

If the consumer is not satisfied or dissatisfied by the

product of the company, then the problem arises. A

consumer can be dissatisfied for number of reasons.

The consumer can dissatisfy, if the company

promise something and didn’t deliver that then the

consumer can be dissatisfied. For instance; a car

company promise to the customer for free services

but at the time of the services company denied then

the dissatisfaction increase. It is only a single


The concept of satisfied or dissatisfied consumer is

all about the consumer expectation and consumer

perceived. If the consumer expectation meets the

product which he/she perceived, then consumer

may satisfy. If the consumer expectation does not

meet the product which he/she perceived, then

consumer will dissatisfy. (Kotler at el. 2017, p. 157.)


Every research has some findings and conclusion.

Similarly, the research’s also have some limitations

as well. Apart of the contribution and importance of

this research, this study also has some limitations as

well, like almost every research. This research is

about the understanding of the consumer buying

decision making process. But it also has some

limitations. The study is limited theoretically. In

this study, the author only study on the process of

the consumer buying behaviour process. The author

didn’t work with a practical example i.e., case study.

The other limitation of this study is no empirical



This research studied on consumer buing decision-

making process. Based on the analysis it can be

concluded, consumer uses all five stages during

decision making process in those products which

purchase rarely or occasionally with the high

involvement. The consumer purchase goods or

services with low involment in decision making if

the product is daily usage or low cost products. For

buying daily usage products, the most probability is

to skip the one or more than one stages in the

decision making process. The peoples buy a goods

or services whenever need started. This research

helps the understanding of consumer buying

decision making process towards the products.

Nonetheless, the further study can be done by the

quantitative approach. The quantitative approach

provides the practical use of this approach. It may

provide the relationship between all five stages with

each other.

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019

Available at

ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 134


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Citations (12)

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... Sumber :Dulce Alonso dalam Qazzafi (2019) Tahap pertama dalam keputusan pembelian konsumen yaitu need recognition atau pengenalan masalah. Perusahaan harus dapat mengetahui kebutuhan konsumen dan menciptakan strategi pemasaran (Kotler & Keller, 2016). ...

... Ketika seorang konsumen mengumpulkan informasi dari suatu produk atau merek maka konsumen memberi peringkat pada produk atau merek tersebut dan kemudian langkah selanjutnya adalah mengevaluasinya. (Qazzafi, 2019). Biasanya, konsumen memilih salah satu atribut terpenting yang menjadi dasar pengambilan keputusan akhir atau menggunakan metode cut-off (misalnya, harga, kualitas, merek, dll.) (Stankevich, 2017). ...

... Konsumen telah memutuskan untuk membeli suatu produk setelah mengumpulkan informasi dari beberapa sumber, mengevaluasinya dan memutuskan tempat untuk membeli dan apa yang akan dibeli. Konsumen membeli merek atau produk yang dia beri peringkat tertinggi dalam tahap evaluasi (Qazzafi, 2019). Keputusan pembelian juga dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan sekitar. ...



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