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Our Ultimate List: 101 Accounting Blog Post Ideas

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:- Income Tax

When you own, operate, or manage an accounting business, your goal to drive business should always be to connect people to your brand by whatever means necessary. If clients and potential clients don’t engage with your brand, they can’t buy your services. By connecting with potential clients and strengthening your relationships with existing clients, you drive business to your site, and inevitably, to your office. .

When you blog on your accounting business site you can boost your SEO rankings and help increase the visibility of your company online. By engaging your clients in regular blog discussions and relevant accounting topics that keep the reader engaged, you can drive business exactly where you want it to be: on your accounting business website. Accounting business blog ideas don’t have to equate to boring IRS links. Your blog is as interesting as you make it.

Accounting business topics to write about can be anything related to the accounting procedures and tax laws and loopholes that keep your accounting business busy.  There are many accounting blog ideas that you wouldn’t commonly think fall into the role of accounting, such as supply chain management. The accounting business blog that you operate gives you the opportunity to show your clients exactly how diverse and well versed your accounting business actually is.


Tax Management and Accounting Blog Topics

Accounting is a universal principal, but not a universal language. There are many people, business owners and private taxpayers alike, that feel intimidated when it comes to the language of accounting. However, if you speak in layman’s terms and explain the basic accounting principles in everyday terminology, you will have no problem finding an audience for your accounting business blog.

It is important to connect with your readers on a level that feels like a personal connection. Make your accounting business blog posts relatable; talk about your pets, children, other daily events that you mention throughout your blog that humanize your online presence. Another important habit to get into when you are publishing a business blog is to respond to your readers when they reach out to you. It doesn’t take much more than a quick “thank you for reading” to keep your blog readers engaged, and it will continue to drive traffic to your blog and your business website.

When you ask your readers to contribute stories or photos that get them involved in creating content for your blog, you develop ongoing relationships that essentially guarantee that your reader will return to your blog.  After all, they don’t want to miss their photo or quote being published on your accounting business blog. Operating in an interactive fashion with your readers is always a good way to develop a blog readership.

50 of the best accounting blog topic ideas are here to inspire you in your own blog. They are a mix of traditional accounting literature and new accounting news references. The accounting blog ideas that we thought were great for holding the attention of an audience:

  1.  Current government news regarding business taxes.  Include any IRS additions to tax law, any press releases regarding payroll taxes, corporate tax rates, or other business related tax issues.
  1. Current government news regarding personal taxes. Include any IRS additions to tax law, any press releases regarding personal taxes, personal tax percentages, or other taxpayer related questions.
  1. The benefits of sensible investing. Instead of giving investment advice, you should talk of the average rates of return on IRA’s, bonds, and 401K accounts.
  1. Factors you should consider when investing. If you’re advising readers who don’t have retirement accounts through their workplace, perhaps you could discuss hiring brokerage firms, what they should look for in a brokerage firm, and how to go about getting their accounts started with a brokerage firm.
  1. What are the effects of taxing on the lower class citizens of the US? Are the poor simply being taxed to the point of poverty?  Why are there so many tax breaks for the wealthy and for corporations?
  1. The difference between the most well known accounting procedures. How should a business go about deciding which accounting style to use? What is the easiest accounting procedure for a small business to set up and use?
  1. A brief synopsis on accounting ethics. How are you diligent in following accounting ethics? Have you ever had your accounting ethics challenged by a client?
  1. What is the role of forensic accountants? Where is forensic accounting most useful today?  Is there specialized training while obtaining your degree for forensic accounting? Are there post degree courses in forensic accounting?
  1. What essential skills are necessary to have as a forensic accountant? Is it much different than tax accounting or business accounting?
  1. How to avoid becoming a victim of personal financial fraud. What are the most common financial fraud schemes?  What course of action should someone take if they are the victim of personal financial fraud?  Are there cases where the victim is liable for the personal financial fraud?
  1. How to avoid becoming a victim of business financial fraud. What are the most common business financial fraud schemes? What course of action should a business take if they are the victim of business financial fraud?  Are there cases where the business is held liable for the business financial fraud?
  1. Tips on effective debt management for the consumer. Discuss how to effectively reduce personal debt, how to stop accumulating personal debt, and when it is wise to file bankruptcy to get out from under a large amount of personal debt.
  1. Tips on effective debt management for the business owner. Discuss how to effectively reduce business debt, how to stop accumulating business debt, and when it is wise to file bankruptcy to get out from under a large amount of business debt.
  1. Tips on tax reduction for businesses. What sort of taxes are fixed and what taxes are based on sales, employee pay rates, or property tax laws?
  1. Tips on tax reduction for the average consumer. How does reducing tax liability affect someone’s overall quality of life?  Does being married help with your tax liability? Does being a property owner affect your tax liability?
  1. What are the benefits of offshore accounting? Is offshore accounting as dishonest as the average American consumer believes it to be?  Why would a private citizen choose to use offshore accounting instead of local accounting?
  1. What are the pitfalls of offshore accounting? Is it mostly used to cheat the IRS or creditors? Why has it become the choice of criminals over the years?
  1. How to develop and improve accounting systems. What steps can a business take to ensure that they are always using the best accounting systems for their particular business?
  1. What are the best accounting practices to use for an online business? How difficult is it to have an online business with a remote accountant? How often should an online business perform audits?
  1. What are the strategies to use for transparent organizational finances? Why is it so important to have transparent organizational finances? Who should be concerned about whether or not a corporation has transparent finances?
  1. Tips to understand the tax code for businesses. What are some of the most confusing tax codes to understand? Is there any reason that the tax code relating to business must be so difficult to understand for a layman?
  1. Tips to understand personal tax code.  What are some of the most confusing personal tax codes to understand?  Which tax codes do you most frequently see your clients having an issue understanding?
  1. What is the difference between cash basis accounting and accrual based accounting? Why should one be used over the other? Which do you prefer, cash basis accounting or accrual based accounting? Which do you currently use in your small business, cash basis accounting, accrual based accounting, or another type of accounting system altogether?
  1. What is the difference between financial accounting and management accounting? Which do you prefer, financial accounting or management accounting? Which do you currently use in your small business, financial accounting, management accounting, or another accounting style altogether?
  1. What is the purpose of having control accounts? Do you utilize control accounts in your small business accounting? How many control accounts do you have set up in your small business accounting?
  1. What is a contra asset account? Why would a business have a contra asset account set up? Do all small businesses need to have a contra asset account set up to use?
  1. What type of accounting is dividend accounting? Who commonly uses dividend accounting?  Why is it beneficial to utilize dividend accounting?  Who can benefit from dividend accounting?
  1. What are the pitfalls of having two credit cards on a single account? How can the account holder be liable for the debt of more than one person?  In which cases do you advise having more than one credit card on a single account? Who is liable for the debt on the credit card with more than one card issued if the payments aren’t made?
  1. The difference between deliberate and impulsive spending. Why would someone prefer impulsive spending over deliberate spending? How can you stop impulsive spending? Why do people spend impulsively instead of deliberately? What are some of the reasons that people should not spend impulsively? What are some of the consequences of spending impulsively?
  1. A business guide to sending out 1099’s. What is the deadline to have 1099’s sent to your 1099 employees?  What are the consequences if you do not send your 1099’s out by the deadline? How can employees be penalized if you don’t send out your 1099’s by the deadline? What can an employee do if the company that they were a 1099 employee for doesn’t send out the 1099 by the deadline?
  1. What are 5 steps to preventing expense fraud? Where is expense fraud most frequently spotted? Who is most commonly a victim of expense fraud? What can someone do if they are accused of expense fraud? What are the consequences if someone is found to have committed expense fraud?
