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Online Branding - Definition, Factors and Steps | Marketing91

Hitesh Bhasin
marketing 91
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:- branding

Online Branding – Definition, Factors and Steps


Online branding is a procedure of building the identity of any person or brand online using a website, GoogleFacebook, Instagram, blog post, and other online marketing channels. This process helps expand the exposure of the brand’s identity on the web to widen the reach of the brand, products, or services in front of potential customers.

When you run a business, an e-commerce store, or own a brand, optimizing presence online is the key way to increase lead generation, conversion, and sales of the brand. Building a brand online is also integral to improved brand awareness, recognition, and reputation. Let us get started with the online brand making process-

Table of Contents

What Is Online Branding?

Definition- Online branding is defined as a brand management technique that uses online channels as a powerful medium to position a brand in the target market. You may also understand it as internet branding or online marketing.

It can also be understood as a digital-centric method for developing brand presence and conversions. As the online platform is advancing, internet marketing channels have become the opportunity for expanding the identity online. It uses search or social platforms to grow businesses.

No matter what is the specialization of the business, the internet can prove to be beneficial for every niche. Most of the companies have now chosen to expand their brands by making an identity online. Key uses of building an internet branding campaign are-

  • Creating and Sharing a Brand story
  • Identifying the target customer base
  • Optimizing Brand awareness
  • Building a dialogue with target audiences
  • Creating and sharing the Value proposition of the brand
  • Widening reach, boosting lead generations, and driving sales

RACE Framework of an Online Brand


For branding a business on the web, a RACE Framework is used that revolves around four stages to connect and convert target audiences. The 4 stages of the RACE framework of internet branding are-

  • R- Reach
  • A- Act
  • C- Convert
  • E- Engage

It is useful in planning, managing, and optimizing online marketing practices.

Key Factors of Online Branding

  1. Customer – The branding on the web starts with the customer. Your customers’ inclinations, age, gender, availability, etc are crucial for designing an effective branding strategy.
  2. Brand identity – Branding is also associated with the kind of identity a brand has. Accordingly, different visual elements of branding like logo, taglines, etc play a crucial role in sharing the brand voice with the target audience. It is useful in creating curiosity, interest, affinity, and relations with prospects.
  3. Competitors – Analysis of the competitors is essential for designing an effective brand strategy on the web. It guides about the relevant channels, strategies, and practices, plus it suggests better ways to stand out from the competition.
  4. Online Messaging – How a brand shares its messages with its customers is very important in branding campaigns online. Messaging should support brand visionproduct, service, and customer value.
  5. Location – Deciding where your business should be based, analyzing where audiences live, the kinds of language they speak, sorts of location-specific details are the deciding factors of branding campaigns.
  6. People – The way people or employees working for a brand understand and deliver the brand promises is crucial for ensuring success for a brand. Therefore brands should be educating, training, monitoring, and recruiting the right people in the organization.
  7. Product or Service – The kind of product or service that a brand offers is also central to the effectiveness of the branding campaigns. How a product or service is adding value to the lives of consumers is integral in optimizing the branding on the web.

7 Steps for Online Branding

Letting the target audiences be aware of the brand can be a discreet strategy for brands to capture.

When everyone is trying to make their presence felt online in a result0-driven manner, it becomes a difficult job to catch them. Social networks can be a great way to reach out to the audience, but blogs can be the best way to go in case of building credibility.

Here are few tips noted down that every business should follow to make their internet branding even better-

1. Unique blog design

The first step should be to make the businesses online hit the right spot of their audiences and stand out in the crowd. A perfect blog relating to the niche and providing solutions to the audience can do the magic to allow people to notice any business.

The blog should be unique enough not only in the content but also in the case of the website’s visual design. The visual design must be attractive enough to hold the public to go further for reading the blog content. This ability would allow the blogs to stand out.

The blog isn’t expected to be overly fancy for the audience to avoid the brand’s values. The logo of any brand should be perfectly blended with the texts and colors that the audience can connect with. A simple logo can also do the magic the brands are expecting. It helps in imprinting the brand and its values in people’s minds.

2. Create a tagline

After the logo is created, it does create the necessary impact, but accompanying it with a tagline can make magic happen. These phrases can let the target audience quickly understand the brand’s message, which they are trying to express.

The tagline should be simplified rather than creating a twisted one. It should be kept simple so that the audience can easily understand what the brands are trying to express.

3. Create an “About me” page

After the audience reaches out to the blog, if impressed, they land up to knowing the brand. The about us page can allow the audience to know about the brand deeply. This is the place where the brands can talk about themselves to convert their leads to full-fledged customers.

This platform should be more about the audience rather than explaining the positive points of the brand. The brands should express how their brand is best for solving customer issues, which turns out to be a give-and-take situation.

The brands must make sure to convert these visitors into someone who at least subscribed to the brand’s email. Later on, the brands can then quickly go for pitching these customers through email.

4. Add Social media

Online branding is about making the brand’s identity online on every platform. There can be instances that the target audiences of these businesses have found them through search platforms rather than the social media one. So, the brand must let these customers reach out to their social media pages as well.

So, adding the links of social platform handles wherever the businesses are available should be mentioned. It should be made sure that the brands add link of these handles just in case the audience have to reach out to the business this can be the most accessible medium.

5. Publish online videos

Everyone is aware that video is the king when it comes to building credibility and attracting an audience. Whether talking about experts like Chris Ducker or Neil Patel, they add videos on their blog pages.

The blogs can be a step to win people’s hearts, while videos can be used to hold them and convert them into loyal customers. The blogs can include links to the videos of YouTube or any social media platform. This will eventually also increase the reach of the brands’ YouTube or social media platforms reach.

6. Creating convincing content

All the benefits of the content can only be availed when the content seems pleasing and convincing to the audience. So, the importance of the blog needs to be carefully expressed by the audience and seem clear to them for opting for the audience.

The brands must help the audience tackle their issues by providing them real-life solutions. This will let the audience create a positive mindset of the audience for the brand and its services or products.

7. Gifts

If possible, the brands should opt for providing their customers few gifts in the beginning. Though the businesses must check their budget and then accordingly go for deciding the benefits they can provide to the people.

Don’ts of Online Brand Marketing Strategy


Yes, the benefits of online branding are much more and, if flawlessly operated, can bring lots of advantages to the firms. Thus, the brands should avoid a few disadvantages of the branding to the topmost extent. These are a few of the penalties of online branding that the brands can face-

1. Avoid high costs- If not planned accordingly, there can be few negative effects of the branding that can occur. The most significant drawback of branding is the high expense involved since brands are not established quickly, and firms must spend large money on advertising and publicity.

Advertising must be done continuously since doing so seldom does not have the desired consequence of building a brand image in the minds of buyers.

Thus, the brands should opt for cost-effective methods of advertising their brands. When online brands can also easily go for free advertising if they can easily promote their brands, and for that, the techniques need to be well-planned.

2. Don’t make mistakes that might create a negative image for the brand- Another drawback of branding is that if a brand develops a poor name or reputation for any reason, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to recover the brand’s previous position or standing.

So, the brands must be careful about the steps they take to reach out to the audiences and attracting them.

3. Don’t limit or over flex the brand- Another disadvantage of branding is that the company’s scope becomes limited, or in other words, the company loses the flexibility to some extent because consumers tend to associate a particular brand with a specific product only, and if the company sells another product, it is not certain that the other product will perform equally well in the market.

Well, so the brands must be aware of the changing needs of their customers and also the trends of the market. This is the way they can keep up with the trends and also try new stuff that the audience would accept.

Benefits of a Powerful Online Branding Strategy

If everyone’s opting for branding online, there are spectacular benefits of this strategy. Here are some benefits listed for making the decisions of the brands going for online branding easy.

Global Reach- It allows brands to give a worldwide presence. There can be instances that the target audience of the brand can be outside the country boundaries. But being online doesn’t restrict these boundaries for the businesses.

Gain trust- Every type of audience is now available on the web, especially after the pandemic. And branding online provides this digital exposure to reach out to the audience. The content and image brands would create online will help them in gaining the trust of the customers.

Faster results- Just because internet branding provides greater brand exposure, thus ensuring faster results becomes a straightforward method. When the brands have the people’s trust, it allows them to opt for the brand’s services or products.

Cost-effective- It saves the time of the brand owners and the money for reaching out to the audience. The offline methods of reaching out to the audience turn out to be costly and time-consuming. Thanks to the online mode that this method has become much easier now.


Online branding is beneficial to every brand if planned and executed properly. After getting to know the target audience, the job of the brands should be pitching them through the different techniques and strategies of internet branding.

Well, everything happens slowly over time; thus, businesses should be patient enough to wait for the benefits of the online branding to reach out to them. Online branding offers favorable results by skillful execution of digital marketing practices. Brands can use it to strengthen their online presence and optimize conversions.
