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Networking Skills | Mitacs

Networking skills needed in career planning
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:- Networking

Networking Skills

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You’ve all heard the saying “you are only as good as your network,” but have you ever wondered how to get one?

This full day course is designed to provide insight and interaction along with the know how to build and stabilize business relationships through effective networking.

We will cover who-what-where-when and why to network and participants will have the opportunity to practice what they learn. Details on the actual networking exercises will be determined by the location of each event. Activities will be customized to reflect the interests of the participants.

Learning Outcomes:

Through participating and completing this course, participants will:

  • Broaden their understanding of the importance of networking
  • Learn the importance of sharing contacts
  • Receive insights on how to refresh, build and make the most of the networks they already have, both virtually and in-person
  • Acquire the tools required to make an impact on contacts that may open doors
  • Learn tools and techniques to plan and better prepare for networking opportunities

Key Topic Areas:

The Importance of Networking

  • The value of a network
  • Strength of weak ties
  • Introducing others
  • Social Media Profiles and Networking

Assessing and Building a Network

  • Mapping and identifying existing networks
  • Identifying networking opportunities in life and work
  • Business cards: why everyone should have them and how to use them
  • Networking planning and preparation
  • Transactional vs. engaged networking
  • Mingling and making impactful connections: The art of conversation
  • Answering the questions “So what do you do?”
  • Follow through and follow up



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