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Mastering Technical Report Writing Skills | Total Assignment Help

Thomas Smith
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:- Technical Reporting WRITING SKILLS

Mastering Technical Report Writing Skills

Published by  Thomas Smith at  10/07/2020




The task of technical report writing is quite frequent in disciplines like engineering. The students in the discipline of engineering have to go through complex calculations on a regular basis, and hence certain framework has to be followed while drafting the associated assignments. The technical report writing skills would help the students in displaying the technical data in a much organized and appealing manner before the audience. The discipline of engineering is quite overwhelming, and the associated students have to face a lot of challenges to complete the course.


The task of technical report writing is also quite challenging since it requires the student to have better hold over the technical knowledge over a particular topic. The approach of the technical report should be very precise and clear in manner. The major challenge in technical report writing is the effective exhibition of the numerical and technical data before the audience in a comprehensible form. A lot of students have approached us enquiring about the appropriate way to draft a technical report. The article would provide our readers with some effective guidelines to master the skills for technical report writing.

Format of technical report writing
There is no general format for drafting an academic, technical report, and hence the format followed by various universities would be different. Though just following a generic foundational format would bring an organized outlook to the technical report writing. We have mentioned down some of the elements to be included in the technical report and the best approaches to deliver it.


Provide an Abstract / Executive Summary
It is the prominent points and arguments used in the technical report writing that should be included in the abstract section of the technical report. The section is meant for the readers who don’t have time to go through the whole technical report. Hence this section should be an overall summary of the whole report, which includes the points also from the introduction and conclusion. The most appropriate volume for an executive summary is around 350 – 400 words. The abstract section should be diligently written by the author since it provides a primary but overall impression to the audience.

Must include the table of contents
Many readers may not have the time to go through the whole technical report, and thus the table of contents would come handy in such instances to jump to the more relevant sections. The table of contents gives a whole idea of what is comprised of the whole technical report. As per the academic conventions, the table of contents would be considered more relevant if there are included second level and third level sub-headings. The students are not required to draft the table of contents manually, since the feature for it is already present in the Reference option of the MS Word.

List of Tables and Figures
The section is similar to that of the table of contents, though it lists down the tables and figures included in the technical report. The figures could be easily traced by referring to the page number provided in the list of tables and figures. The same format of drafting the table of contents should be followed in this section.


 You should address the people and other materials which have helped you in drafting the assigned task of writing a technical report. You should appreciate the contribution made by your colleagues and tutors while drafting the acknowledgement section. It is considered the grave breach of etiquette if the acknowledgement section is not included in the academic paper. There are certain universities that consider the paper as a plagiarized one if it fails to provide proper acknowledgement. 

Catchy Introduction
It is by reading the introduction section of the paper that the audience would determine whether to stick throughout the whole presented technical report or not. The significance of conducting this study should be specified by the writer in this section. There are certain focal points to be covered while drafting the introduction section of the technical report. They are listed down in the below section of this report. Let us have a detailed look over it.

  • Avoid the discussion over the aspect which does not require the mention in the former section of the presented paper. Try to introduce only the crucial section of the report to the audience in this section.
  • In the introduction section of the technical report, there should be a separate section for the technical background.
  • The elementary and crucial concepts followed while conducting the experiment should be mentioned separately if the section of the technical background is not included in the report.
  • The introduction should be drafted by considering the preferences and qualifications of the audience. If the audience majorly consists of the academicians, then you should draft the introduction in a very authentic and pedantic tone.
  • Introduce every theory to the audience and don’t make the presumption that every concept is known to them.

Provide the details of experiments conducted under the study
It is by conducting various multifaceted experiments that a particular observation is made in the technical discipline. Hence the technical report consists of various experiments, and the details regarding it should be specifically mentioned under the subheading of Experimental Details. While drafting this section, the student is recommended to follow the below-mentioned focus points.

  • Briefly list down the set of equipment you have used to conduct the experiments related to the assigned technical report task.
  • The atmosphere and surroundings were chosen to conduct the experiment should be specified accurately. The use of graphical representations would provide authenticity to this section.
  • Express the defined set of parameters for the test and expected result from it.
  • Have you changed the set of parameters while conducting the experiment? The best way of drafting this section is in tabular form since it consists of a lot of numerical data.

The students should understand that there is no scope for generic writing as it is done in other forms of report writings. Every discussion should be precise and should be based on the experiment conducted. It is a major reason that the students find the task of technical report writing a very challenging and daunting task.

The proper discussion of the conducted experiments
The soul of the technical report lies in the experiments conducted by the writer arrives at certain observations. It is by conducting a very detailed and precise evaluation of the observations made in the experiments that the evaluator assigns the final marks to the submission. We highly recommend our readers to include every small detail of the experiment in this section. The below section of this report would provide the focus points to be followed to draft an effective and accurate discussion of experiments.

  • The experiment should provide realistic outcomes, and the values should be repeatable.
  • The combination of both the tabular forms and descriptive writing should be used while writing the discussion over the experiments.
  • All the minute details and requirements to conduct the experiment should be mentioned by the writer in this section.

Systematically list down the results you have obtained from experiments.
 By this phase, you would have conducted all the experiments required for this technical task, and the result of them has to be declared in a separate section. It is based on this section of the technical report that the whole conclusive arguments are based upon. The part is the most crucial section of the technical report, and it is by checking the results in it that the evaluator assigns final marks on the assignment. Hence a student should draft this section with utmost diligence. The inclusion of graphical representation and tabular forms would add high value to the whole technical report paper.

Final results and core observation made out of it
 The outcome resembles the core theme of the conducted technical report. It is for this observation that the whole experiments and analysis were conducted in the report. The writer is expected to mention down again the procedures and approached taken that have been delivered with the present observation. There are certain things to be considered while presenting the outcome in the technical report. They are: –

  • The best form of representing the outcome is by the use of graphical representations and tabular forms.
  • The elementary theories and concepts used to calculate and analyze the data should be mentioned in the following sections.
  • The inclusion of raw data should not be done in this section, and only refined, and final observation should be mentioned.
  • The raw data should be included in the appendix of the report so that the audience could verify the arguments and calculations made by the writer.

Giving the conclusion and relevant recommendations
 The conclusion generally resembles a precise note of the basic arguments and observations made in the whole report. Don’t make the mistake of stating new information or opinion in this section, and every context should be related to the previously discussed content. Based on the conclusion made in the report, the writer is also compelled to provide valid recommendations to the readers. The recommendations should strongly reflect the experimental details that you have discussed earlier. The focal tips for drafting a good conclusion section are: –

  • Don’t limit the conclusion section to bullet points. The section should be in the form of precise paragraphs.
  • The section should discuss all the observations made in the report. Discussing abstract opinions and concepts in this section would attract high penalties from the evaluator.
  • The section should be utilized by the writer to convey the challenges and restriction faced while conducting the task,
  • The relevance and scope of the methodologies used in the report to arrive at the final verdict should be discussed. This would be helpful for scholars who want to further explore the topic.

The discussion provided in the above section of this report would help you in mastering the skills for technical report writing. We guarantee that you would score distinction in the final evaluation if all the guidelines are diligently followed. The only part we have intentionally left in this report is the referencing of the sources. Since various universities assign different referencing format for their technical report writing assignments, it is very hard to mention all of them in a single report. To know more about various referencing formats and tips to easily implement, go to our official website,

Note: – The student is not required to provide a reference for every theory or formula used in the technical reports. Just make the reference to the sources that are unknown and new to the audience.

Need help with your technical report writing assignment?
Drafting a technical report is a big challenge in itself since the writer requires good knowledge over various theories and formulae to calculate and analyze the data. The technical report could not be drafted by just beating around the bush and discussing some abstract ideas. Every line and statement in it reflects preciseness and accuracy. Hence the student is required to sustain high diligence and conduct detailed research to draft relevant technical report writing.


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We hope that this article on technical report writing was quite helpful for you. Thank You.

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Thomas Smith

Thomas Smith is a renowned researcher. He has published multiple research papers on the different topics, including ecology and geology. Thomas has a keen interest in writing and has published numerous blogs and articles in many magazines and newsletters using his 12 years of experience as a writing expert. Currently he provides academic writing service at Total Assignment Help and gives guidance to students all over the world. Thomas also likes to explore wildlife and learn about the diversity in flora and fauna in different countries. You can follow me on Twitter.
