‎Marketing Mantra: Ep. #5 - A Simple SEO Hack to Get High Quality Backlinks on Apple Podcasts

Sandeep Mallya
Related Topic
:- Marketing

In episode #5 of the Marketing Mantra podcast, I’ll be talking about a simple SEO hack you can use to build high-quality backlinks.




Time-stamped Show Notes


[00:29] Episode Topic: A Simple SEO Hack to Get High Quality Backlinks


[01:18] This SEO hack is building backlinks through infographics.


[01:59] The first aspect of designing an infographic involves keyword research.


[02:10] Use tools like Google Image Search, Buzzsumo, and Pinterest to discover popular infographic topics.


[03:37] Use design tools like Canva, Venngage, and Piktochart to design your own infographic.


[06:13] Next, you need to promote your infographic and generate high-quality backlinks.


[07:50] Generate an embed code for your infographic using Siege Media’s Embed Code Generator.


[08:39] Submit your infographic to infographic submission sites.


[10:45] Promote your infographic on Reddit. Submit your infographics to this infographics subreddit. You can also share your content on these marketing subreddits. But be sure to read the guidelines.


[11:38] Try Brian Dean’s Guestographic Link Building Method to get tons of contextual backlinks.


[14:22] That’s it for this episode of Marketing Mantra!
