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Marketing an Online Gaming Blog on Facebook: 4 Essential Tips

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Marketing an Online Gaming Blog on Facebook: 4 Essential Tips



Starting your own gaming blog might feel like a dream come true for you. Especially if gaming is a hobby that you’re passionate about. Gaming blogs are often popular with gamers who want to learn more about the latest game releases, consoles, equipment, and more. So, starting a blog gives you the chance to share your passion, knowledge and expertise with like-minded readers. However, there is more to building a successful blog than simply setting one up and starting to write. Marketing your blog on social media is essential to your success. Luckily, Facebook is a great place to start as one of the most popular social platforms used by millions of people daily.

Branding Your Blog

First of all, it’s important to treat your blog like a business. First, come up with a strong brand that is going to help you stand out among the crowd. Remember, there are many other companies also using Facebook for marketing and advertising. Come up with a catchy name, a logo, and brand colours that you can consistently use on Facebook when setting up your profile. You want your branding to appear professional and trustworthy. Think of something that other gamers are going to immediately want to learn more about.

Understanding Your Audience

Understanding your audience is key to successfully marketing your gaming blog on Facebook. You might know that your target audience are gamers, but what else do you know about them? The best step to take during this process is to conduct market research. Use this to put together buyer personas to help you learn more about the people who are going to read your blog. What games do they play? Where do they work? How old are they? How many kids do they have? Having an answer to all these questions can be seriously useful. Not only for paid ads, but also for figuring out what kind of content your readers want to see more of. Are they only interested in the latest games, or would they like to know more about games you can pay for using cryptocurrency?

Share Posts Regularly

Today, blogs often get more attention and grow much faster when posts are shared on social media. By regularly sharing your posts to your blog along with other forms of content such as YouTube videos and curated content from other sources, you can ensure that your audience are more likely to stumble across your blog content. However, it’s also important to avoid leaving it up to chance completely. Facebook changes their algorithms regularly. The latest update leaves business page posts at the bottom of the pile when it comes to what people see in their timelines. Paying to promote your best posts can be a great investment.

Engage with Your Followers

The golden rule of promoting any business on social media, including your gaming blog, is to post around 20% promotional material. The other 80% should be engagement. Users today do not want to be bombarded with constant ads and promotional stuff. They will quickly get bored and unfollow you. Your main aim of using Facebook to promote your blog should be building relationships with your readers. In turn this can increase their loyalty. Which then makes them much more likely to not only read and follow your blog, but also share it with their friends. You can do this in several ways. To start, simply start conversations with posts, quizzes, competitions, and giveaways. Then monitor engagement on your social profile and be sure to respond to comments quickly. Not only will this promote interest in your blog, but it will also show your readers that you appreciate them.

Facebook can be a very useful tool for marketing your gaming blog. Keep these tips in mind before you get started to get the best results.
