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Manipulate Graphics - MS-Excel Tutorial

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:- MS Excel

Manipulate Graphics

  1. Select the object you want to modify. Selection handles appear around the object.
  2. Perform any of the following actions:
    Delete: Press the Delete key on the keyboard.

    Move: Position the mouse pointer over the object, but not on the handles. Click and drag the object to the desired location.
    Optionally, nudge a selected object using the up, down, left, or right arrow keys.

    Resize: To resize an object, position the mouse pointer over one of the white selection circles and drag the circle until the object reaches the desired size. Use the top or bottom middle handle to resize the object height. Use the middle left or right handle to resize the object width. Use a corner handle to resize both the height and width.
    If you want to constrain the sizing when resizing an object, hold down the Shift key.

    Rotate Shape: Position the mouse over the green rotation handle until the pointer turns into a circle. Then, drag the green rotation handle until the object rotates to the desired angle. This does not apply to arrows.

    Rotate Arrow: Drag either of the white selection handles in the direction you want to rotate.
