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Management Skills for Civil Engineers | Work -

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:- Time Management Management * Degree qualified in Civil Engineering or equivalent

Time Management

Civil engineers are often responsible for ensuring projects are completed on time and within budget. The engineer must effectively manage not only his own time but the time of his assistants and construction personnel as well. Delays in securing permits, testing soils or rocks, conducting inspections or completing survey maps can potentially stall a project.

Financial Acumen

Because many of the projects on which they work are financed by one or more government agencies, civil engineers must understand the concepts of budgeting and effective management of financial resources. The engineer may be responsible for providing initial cost estimates for the entire project or specific elements, such as the labor or materials alone. As the project progresses, the engineer must track expenditures and measure results against expenses so that any necessary adjustments can be made.

Communication Skills

Civil engineers must be effective communicators. Instructions must be presented to supervisors, workers or contractors that are clear and unambiguous. In addition, civil engineers are often asked to make presentations to the public that address environmental or economic concerns in the communities surrounding the project site. Large projects typically require the issuance of frequent progress reports, and the engineer is often the one assigned to issue the updates.


On virtually any major engineering project, problems will arise. The civil engineer must possess the ability to recognize potential problems and react to issues that have already manifested. Information must be gathered and analyzed rationally, with a logical decision made as soon as possible to avoid delays or additional problems.

Human Resources

The civil engineer may be in charge of recruiting or supervising personnel on the construction site. It is essential to have an adequate knowledge of labor laws and any applicable trade union regulations, since issues such as overtime or holiday pay can drive costs over budget. In addition, the engineer may be the person who must ensure that all safety rules and regulations are followed.


Civil engineers need to be effective leaders. Their job often involves working closely with architects, engineers in other disciplines, assistants and supervisors of the tradespeople executing the project. A civil engineer needs to understand how to monitor the morale of the workers and how to best motivate them. When problems arise, it is common for many people involved in the project on all levels to look to the engineer for guidance and resolution.

2016 Salary Information for Civil Engineers

Civil engineers earned a median annual salary of $83,540 in 2016, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. On the low end, civil engineers earned a 25th percentile salary of $65,330, meaning 75 percent earned more than this amount. The 75th percentile salary is $107,140, meaning 25 percent earn more. In 2016, 303,500 people were employed in the U.S. as civil engineers.
