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Lord Browne of Madingley Explores Bold Leadership at the BSR Conference 2016| Blog| BSR

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Lord Browne of Madingley Explores Bold Leadership at the BSR Conference 2016






CÉCILE GERONDEAU, Former Associate, Communications, BSR

#BSR Conference, #Energy and Extractives,

In a plenary address at the BSR Conference 2016, L1 Energy Executive Chairman and former CEO of BP Lord Browne of Madingley explored how being bold can help build a better world.

“It’s essential to be yourself and to be authentic in everything that you do," Browne said.

Following his address, Browne joined a conversation with BSR Senior Vice President Peder Michael Pruzan-Jorgensen and answered live questions from BSR Conference participants and Twitter.

Watch the full video below:


If you want to read more, we published a Q&A with Browne earlier this fall.

The BSR Conference 2016, taking place November 1-3 in New York, is gathering sustainability leaders from business, government, and civil society to explore the theme of “Be Bold.” Follow the conversation on Twitter at #BSR16, and register to watch the livestream of plenary sessions. See all video highlights on BSR’s YouTube channel.
