Laravel PHP Framework Tutorial - Full Course for Beginners (2019)
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Learn Laravel 5.8 by creating an Instagram clone in this full tutorial course for beginners. Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework used for creating web applications.Code: Contents(0:00) Introduction(1:14) What is Laravel?(2:07) Installing Laravel(5:30) First look at the project(7:15) Intro to php artisan(11:42) Generating login flow with make:auth(12:04) Setting Up the Front End with Node and NPM(20:00) Migrations and Setting Up SQLite(26:00) Designing the UI from Instagram(42:12) Adding Username to the Registration Flow(58:35) Creating the Profiles Controller(1:04:00) RESTful Resource Controller(1:09:10) Passing Data to the View(1:10:20) Adding the Profiles Mode, Migration and Table(1:17:30) Adding Eloquent Relationships(1:28:10) Fetching the Record From The Database(1:30:00) Adding Posts to the Database & Many To Many Relationship(2:04:24) Creating Through a Relationship(2:08:12) Uploading/Saving the Image to the Project(2:19:19) Resizing Images with Intervention Image PHP Library(2:27:42) Route Model Binding(2:31:48) Editing the Profile(2:46:46) Restricting/Authorizing Actions with a Model Policy(2:54:50) Editing the Profile Image(3:00:00) Automatically Creating A Profile Using Model Events(3:12:56) Default Profile Image(3:19:48) Follow/Unfollow Profiles Using a Vue.js Component(3:31:28) Many To Many Relationship(3:46:33) Calculating Followers Count and Following Count(3:48:55) Laravel Telescope(3:51:44) Showing Posts from Profiles The User Is Following(4:01:03) Pagination with Eloquent(4:03:25) N + 1 Problem & Solution(4:05:21) Make Use of Cache for Expensive Query(4:11:44) Sending Emails to New Registered Users(4:21:51) Wrapping Up(4:22:37) Closing Remarks & What's Next In your LearningCourse from Coder's Tape. Check out their YouTube channel for more great Laravel tutorials: -- Learn to code for free and get a developer job: Read hundreds of articles on programming: And subscribe for new videos on technology every day:
