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[Infographic] A Marketer's Guide To Going Mobile

: Ellen Gomes
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:- Mobile App Knowledge Marketing

Infographic] A Marketer’s Guide To Going Mobile



Mobile’s still the new kid on the block when it comes to your marketing mix, but based on consumer reaction and adoption, it’s a sensation.

From its inception, using the introduction of the iPhone in 2007 as the starting point for the mobile revolution, mobile has caught fire. From smartphones to tablets—people have an almost insatiable capacity to adopt mobile technology into their lives and welcome mobile marketing.

Just think about how quickly mobile has progressed over time. Remember your first cell phone? It doesn’t seem like that long ago that you were playing snake and sending rudimentary text messages to friends!

In just a short amount of time, mobile has evolved to be a central mode of communication for consumers. Being tied to a mobile device is now the norm and not the exception. The standard mobile phone’s capabilities have expanded to replace almost every other peripheral device—from maps, to calendars, to desktop computers. And, mobile continues to grow, now including Internet of Things devices that help consumers monitor and streamline aspects of their lives from fitness, to smart cars, to appliances.

But how can marketers effectively market on mobile devices?

Because mobile devices are very personal—44% of cellphone owners sleep with their phones next to their bed so they don’t miss a message, call, or update—marketers need to be thoughtful about how they deliver marketing messages. Consumers are looking for communication that is personalized, and marketers must deliver or risk being seen as an interruption or deleted. Essentially, successful mobile marketing is about trust and relevance. But to build that, marketers must look beyond mobile devices and create long-term, personal conversations with their customers across channels.

Check out our infographic: A Marketer’s Guide to Going Mobile to see how to start creating a mobile marketing strategy that works.


View the infographic in a new window here.

And for more information on mobile marketing, check out our Creating Your Mobile Marketing Strategy ebook.

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