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Human Resource Development | Your Article Library

Smriti Chand
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Human Resource Development: Features, Scope and Objectives

Human Resource Development: Features, Scope, Objectives and Functions!

In 1970, Leonard Nadler published his book “Developing Human Resources” in which he coined the term ‘human resource development’ (HRD). Human resource refers to the talents and energies of people that are available to an organization as potential contributors to the creation and realization of the orga­nization’s mission, vision, values, and goals.

Development refers to a process of active learning from experience-leading to systematic and purposeful development of the whole person, body, mind, and spirit. Thus, HRD is the integrated use of training, organizational and career development efforts to improve individual, group, and organizational effectiveness.

Definitions of HRD:

1. According to South Pacific Commission ‘human resource development is equipping people with relevant skills to have a healthy and satisfying life’.

2. According to Watkins, ‘human resource development is fostering long-term work related learning capacity at individual, group and organizational level’.

3. The American Society for Training and Development defines HRD as follows: ‘human resource development is the process of increasing the capacity of the human resource through develop­ment. It is thus the process of adding value to individuals, teams or an organization as a human system’.

Features of HRD:

1. Systematic approach:

HRD is a systematic and planned approach through which the efficiency of employees is improved. The future goals and objectives are set by the entire organization, which are well planned at individual and organizational levels.

2. Continuous process:

HRD is a continuous process for the development of all types of skills of employees such as technical, managerial, behavioural, and conceptual. Till the retirement of an employee sharpening of all these skills is required.

3. Multi-disciplinary subject:

HRD is a Multi-disciplinary subject which draws inputs from behavioural science, engineering, commerce, management, economics, medicine, etc.

4. All-pervasive:

HRD is an essential subject everywhere, be it a manufacturing organization or service sector industry.

5. Techniques:

HRD embodies with techniques and processes such as performance appraisal, training, management development, career planning, counselling, workers’ participation and quality circles.

Scope of HRD:

Human resource management (HRM) deals with procurement, development, compensation, mainte­nance and utilization of human resources. HRD deals with efficient utilization of human resources and it is a part of HRM.

Human resource being a systematic process for bringing the desired changes in the behaviour of employees involves the following areas:

1. Recruitment and selection of employees for meeting the present and future requirements of an organization.

2. Performance appraisal of the employees in order to understand their capabilities and improving them through additional training.

3. Offering the employees’ performance counselling and performance interviews from the superiors.

4. Career planning and development programmes for the employees.

5. Development of employees through succession planning.

6. Workers’ participation and formation of quality circles.

7. Employee learning through group dynamics and empowerment.

8. Learning through job rotation and job enrichment.

9. Learning through social and religious interactions and programmes.

10. Development of employees through managerial and behavioural skills.

Objectives of HRD:

The prime objective of human resource development is to facilitate an organizational environment in which the people come first. The other objectives of HRD are as follows:

1. Equity:

Recognizing every employee at par irrespective of caste, creed, religion and language, can create a very good environment in an organization. HRD must ensure that the organization creates a culture and provides equal opportunities to all employees in matters of career planning, promotion, quality of work life, training and development.

2. Employability:

Employability means the ability, skills, and competencies of an individual to seek gainful employment anywhere. So, HRD should aim at improving the skills of employees in order to motivate them to work with effectiveness.

3. Adaptability:

Continuous training that develops the professional skills of employees plays an important role in HRD. This can help the employees to adapt themselves to organizational change that takes place on a continuous basis.

HRD Functions:

HRD functions include the following:

1. Employee training and development,

2. Career planning and development,

3. Succession planning,

4. Performance appraisal,

5. Employee’s participation in management,

6. Quality circles,

7. Organization change and organization development.
