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How to Update Linked Tables in Access 2016 after the Backend Database Moves to a New Location

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How to Update Linked Tables in Access 2016 after the Backend Database Moves to a New Location


You can use the Linked Table Manager to re-establish the links from your linked tables when the backend database has been moved.

If you have tables linked to a backend Access database, and you move that backend database, the frontend database will stop working properly until you update the linked tables in the frontend to point to the new location.

Here's how to update those linked tables.

  1. Open the Frontend Database

    Open the frontend database if it's not already open.

    When you open the frontend database after the backend database has been moved, a message will be displayed explaining that Access could not find the backend database file.

    Click OK.

    You may also get a warning message about any AutoExec macros that couldn't run (if it uses any of the linked tables that are missing).

    In this case, click Stop All Macros.

  2. Launch the Linked Table Manager

    Click Linked Table Manger in the Import & Link group from the External Data tab on the Ribbon.

    You can also right-click on a linked table and select Linked Table Manager from the contextual menu.

  3. Select the Linked Tables

    Select the tables to be updated and click OK.

  4. Select the Backend Database File

    Navigate to the backend database file (at its new location) and click Open.

  5. Close the Success Dialog Box

    Access will display a success message once the linked tables have been refreshed.

    Click OK.

  6. Close the Linked Table Manager

    You can see that the Linked Table Manager now displays the new location of the backend database for each of the linked tables.

    Click Close.

    The linked tables have now been updated.
