How to Manage the Sales force? Tips on Recruitment, Training, Supervision, Motivation (Marketing103)

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This videManaging the Sales Force refers to the way an organization spends time, money, and effort in effectively handling its sales force. Managing the Sales Force is an important task as the sales force is the bridge between an organization and the customer and if the link is not concrete then the customer-company relationship will suffer Managing the Sales Force Recruitment Recruitment is the heart of an effective sales force and it is vital to develop a selection process that tests management and behavioural skills.  The managers should also look for the reason why people want to opt for this career so that they can create a recruitment strategy based upon these desires as it will lead to the selection of high calibre sales force. Training Training is needed at the onset as well as at different stages to remain ahead of the competition, achieve success at selling, know about selling procedures and have product knowledge. Supervision Supervision is based on product portfolio profile, dealings with potential clients, and effective time management. Motivation Motivation is very important in managing the sales force and compensation is the driving force behind motivation. Other motivational tools are linking rewards to performance, personal growth, promotion and a sense of accomplishment. Evaluation Evaluation is a key aspect of managing the sales force and is often started after reading the sales report. Extra information is also gathered through customer complaints, conversations, customer service and feedback for better evaluation. Example 1 – Amway - Amway has an online training program in place for distributors and a redesigned platform for independent business owners. Example 2 – Amway India (Skill Development Efforts) - Anyway has aligned with “Skill Initiative”, a program of the Indian Government and focused on enhancing the competencies and skills of direct sellers. Example 3 - Anyway India (Training Amidst Lockdown) - Amway India believes that the digital training it provides to the sales force will help in boosting the sales figures to a greater degree. This video is on Selling Process Steps and it has the following sub-topics. Time Stamps 0:00 Introduction 01:06 Recruitment 01:47 Training 01:46 Supervision 02:03 Motivation 03:20 Evaluation 03:57 Example 1 – Amway 05:00 Example 2 – Amway India (Skill Development Efforts) 05:57 Example 3 - Anyway India (Training Amidst Lockdown) 
