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How to Increase Engagement on Facebook Business Page?

Hitesh Bhasin
marketing 91
Related Topic
:- Facebook business Social Media Marketing


How to Increase Engagement on Facebook Business Page?



Facebook is undoubtedly one of the best things that ever happened to us. With lots and lots of people logging in to the platforms, there is no doubt about the fact that it has become a very important part of our life. With the right kind of engagement on Facebook Business Page, marketers are ensuring great conversions for their businesses.

This is one of the main reasons why the businesses and people both are fascinated with the concept of Facebook Marketing and related engagement, lead generation, conversions, and ROI.

When we talk about social media, Facebook is one of the sites that are known for having more and more followers and users by the day. Not just the people but the businesses are also using the platform of Facebook to connect with their target audience.

In all of this, one question that always comes to mind is how does one reach more people on the platform of Facebook?

Well, the answer to that question would have to be through the engagement.

When a Facebook page is able to have maximum engagement, this means that they are getting more and more people to see their pages as well. This is certainly good news for the business.

Don’t you want to know how you can exactly increase the engagement for your Facebook page? Well, in that case, here we are to help you out when you need it.


Let us first understand what engagement on the Facebook Business page is-

Table of Contents

What is Facebook Engagement?

Facebook engagement may surely come across as a complex word for many people but it is surely as simple as it can get. Everybody is aware of the stuff that can be done with a post and they are likes, comments, shares or even tagging.


Well, you’ve got it covered, Facebook tagging is more or less about the things that a user does to react to a post.

Keeping in contact what the concept of Facebook engagement actually has in store, no one would fancy the idea of choosing to avoid it. Facebook engagement is equally important as a quality post.

Talking technical, the Facebook algorithm is based on this concept owing to which engagement becomes necessary in order to boost the placement of news feed. Organic reach is something that can surely be taken to a great height if the idea of Facebook engagement is preached and followed religiously.

Every marketer would wish of having an engaged audience as it directly points out the loyalty. Engagement with the audience would surely decrease the chances of your users going elsewhere. Read on to know some of the best tips to increase the engagement on the Facebook Business page.

How to increase Facebook Engagement on Business Page?


  • Getting to know your audience has to be the first thing that needs to be kept in context. It basically points at what the audience actually wants from you.
  • With the aid of Facebook Page Insights, you can easily study the behavior of the audience. This eventually would help you take a sure shot at catering your audience in the best fashion.
  • Keeping it short would surely help you achieve a long list of users. It is common that people spend very little time on a post while scrolling through the news feed. Keeping your post short, crisp and catchy has got to be the best tip of the day.
  • Quality is something that you should never compromise on. Why would you? It’s the reason that you have people look up to your page. Strive to share more information in an engaging manner which would ultimately get the audience excited and keep them engaged.
  • Being Catchy is a certainty. No one would want to spend time on a post that seems boring. Try adding images to attract people to spend even a second as a person can easily recall a 0.25-second glance. Now, this teaches the value of a second too.
  • Responding to your fans should be done regularly. This not only keeps them engaged but also adds a feeling of connection which would again help you enjoy their loyalty. The feeling of connection ensures the interaction that ultimately helps in ensuring conversions.
  • The right thing at the right time is indeed the right way to play. Using insights you can easily evaluate when the maximum audience is available. This would help your post broaden its reach at the beginning itself making a path for the success that follows.
  • Calls-to-action buttons are your gate pass to take the engagement beyond likes and comments. You have the option to choose a CTA at your disposal. You may allow the users to text you or even book an appointment. This would surely increase engagement and connect to a great extent.
  • In the end, you have to make sure that people get what they want. You should aim at posting stuff which is informative yet entertaining. Skipping either one of the element might backfire and no one would fancy that option.

Some Useful Tips To Engaging Fans On Facebook Business Page

Do you want your Facebook page to become famous on the platform? Well, if that is the case then we have some helpful tips for you that would definitely be very useful. Make sure that you follow these tips to have the maximum positive results.

1) Show People Your True Personality


What do you think the term social media means? Well, it means being social, of course, what else? Well, when you are posting on the platform of social media, you need to take care of a few things.

For example, when you make posts, you need to ensure that you do it on the behalf of the brand or the business that you have. This is certainly one of the most important things that we can tell you now.

The personality of the business is what makes people come into the page. So, you need to make sure that you follow this tip religiously. Do that and we assure you that the results will be amazing for sure.

2) Talk To The Fans

One of the most important things for the increase of engagement is having conversations with the fans and the followers that you have. You need to make sure that you get to know the people a little bit above anything else.

How else do you suppose to engage people to your Facebook page when you are not interested in what they have to say? Well, this is another thing that you need to keep in mind.

When you talk to the fans of your page, you can have an idea about what is going wrong and what is right for the Facebook page of yours. So, why don’t you try what we recommend here and then see the magic for yourself? We assure you that the results will be absolutely positive.

3) Put Images In The Posts

You also need to make sure that the posts that you make on your Facebook profile are all interesting so that people come and have a look at it. How are you supposed to do that? Well, adding images and video files can be a great help with that.

We all know that images help in increasing the appeal of any post. So, why wouldn’t you want to give this a shot and see the results for yourselves? The posts will look absolutely brilliant and interesting. As a result, more and more people would want to have a look at it and that will result in an increase in the engagement of the posts.

4) Provide Information About The Brand

When you are using Facebook as you very own tool for marketing, there are certain things that you need to take care of. For example, the people are on your Facebook business page to know about your company.

So, you need to provide them with the information that they are looking for. This is another important tip that we have for you in here. You need to make sure that people get to see the brand that you have and not something else.

Posting information about the company, the employees, the location of the business is another way of letting people know about the brand that you have. So, make sure that you do it.

5) Post Specific Content


For those who want to have more fans on Facebook, posting specific content that will get engagement from the users is very important. You need to pay proper attention to the posts that the fans like.

Also, you need to see the timings of the posts that have the most engagement from the people. Engagement can be measured in the form of shares, likes, and comments that you get on the posts.

So, we would recommend that you try this step out before posting anything. By staying specific and posting what the fans like you will surely have some great results. Pay heed to what we have to say in here people as it will be useful for sure.

6) Make Sure That The Posts Are Simple

While using flashy images and amazing videos will provide you with more results, sometimes posting simple things might also have the desired effect on the fans that you want. So, you might want to look into that.

Keeping the posts simple and text-only can also help you in achieving some of the most loyal fans who will always be engaged in what you have to offer on your Facebook page. Although, make sure that you don’t over-simplify the posts as well. The trick here is to find the perfect balance when it comes to posting.

In Conclusion…

So, these are some of the tips and tricks that you can use in order to engage the fans on your Facebook page. What are you waiting for then? Go ahead and start right now.

Once you increase engagement on Facebook business page, your insight reports will be showing more conversions for you. More engaged audiences spend more time on your pages and they prefer opting for your products and services as well.

Finally, do let us know how your lead generation and conversions get impacted with the aforestated tips to increase engagement on Facebook Business Page.


